Sunday, February 2, 2014

This Gal Has No Business Plan...

Conscious Living Solutions was officially "launched" on January 5, 2014. Launched is too glamorous a word. What I really mean is the idea popped into my head (after a few days of chaos in my brain) and I decided to write a post about it on this blog.Then, I rearranged my personal website ( and thought about creating a new facebook page (with quite a bit of resistance, because I already have a personal facebook account and it takes up way to much time already!)

These very sudden, spontaneous steps were quite unusual for "think-things-over-till-every-detail-is-sorted-out" me, but then again, I've changed a lot since my music career days. I used to excel at over-planning. I got business grants and won prizes for over-planning. Even at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where I'm studying now, it's very "write down the next five steps you're going to take." I guess there's nothing wrong with that and it guarantees moving forward, although sometimes you may end up moving in the wrong direction or wasting time when you act just for the sake of doing something, anything. I find that when I operate that way, I am usually leading with my head, not my heart.

Conscious Living Solutions is truly a project that emerged from my heart, thus I have no business plan and I plan to keep it that way! Unlike my previous ways of developing various projects, I don't push or force things. I'm truly sitting back and enjoying the ride. Already it's been an amazing journey! I'm trusting the process of letting consciousness work through me and the steps I have to take are being revealed to me little by little. This is truly incredible. I've met wonderful, supportive, inspiring people and I know this is the work of synchronicity. I started doing "flash meditation minutes" with people from all over the world who set their intentions to help out, well... complete strangers! How awesome is that? Our level of interconnectedness is more obvious than ever to me (yes, partially thanks to Facebook!) 

I can't believe that in just one month, over 500 people have joined the Conscious Living Solutions facebook page! I'm very grateful for that. Stay tuned for the evolution of this initiative. A straight-from-the-heart initiative with a mind of it's own!



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