Saturday, October 21, 2017

We Are Expecting!!!!

Meet Mitsy: the most affectionate, loving and zen cat I've ever known. But please don't tell that to our other cat Precious -a sassy Bengal with a teenage attitude.

We found Mitsy meowing in an alley in April 2016. She was one hungry and skinny little orphaned kitten. We thought it would be impossible to adopt her with Precious being so territorial, but we gave it a shot, and to our surprise, both cats are still alive and well today. Mitsy adores Precious despite the fact that she still regularly gets smacked on the head by her older "sister". And as for Precious, she kinda of likes Mitsy now, but she's just too proud to admit it.

These pictures were taken when we first found Mitsy. Even when she was just a kitten, she radiated unconditional love and gratitude through those sweet eyes. You can almost see it in the picture of Théo holding her. Cats can be pretty independent - needing you one minute and wishing you would scram the next- but Mitsy just seems to emanate this deep love ALL the time. Even when she gets bullied by Precious! She truly is a remarkably inspiring little zen cat.

Scratch that. BIG cat. She's HUGE now. We are sooooo excited to say that Mitsy is now a Queen! That means she's expecting kittens. She is about 59 days pregnant, so the babes should be born within a week! We took our Queen for a prenatal checkup at the vet yesterday and everything looks good and healthy. We have her birthing area ready.

I have never experienced the birth of kittens before, and I just can't wait! The kids are super excited too. We've taken this opportunity to learn more about cats, pregnancy and the birthing process. Théo now has a new favourite word : placenta.

This is a picture of Mitsy taken just today. She is ready to pop. When I put my hand on her abdomen, I can actually feel the occasional kick.
Why am I writing about this in my blog? Because birth is such an incredibly beautiful and miraculous event. Because I want to share the joy and the wonder of kittens with you. Because when we laugh, we love, we care and we share, we raise our individual vibration and this affects everyone around us in a positive way. So yes, there will be regular kitten updates coming up on this blog! If you are close to Edmonton, you can even adopt one. The fluffy bundles of joy will be ready to find forever homes by next spring.

Having the opportunity to care for other living beings has an extremely positive effect on our health. Reseach indicates that the mere owning of a pet decreases the levels of depression and hypertension of it's owners. Do you own a pet? What makes him / her so special and unique? What do you love about him / her? Don't hesitate to share in the comments below.

With Love,


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