There is such a beautiful, pure sweetness that shines through the eyes of a kitten. This is pure consciousness manifesting itself through physical form. The kittens haven't individuated themselves from this divine life force yet. The survival mechanisms and programs of the animal ego have not yet kicked in to create a sense of separation between themselves and "others". But it's just a matter of days now. This is just how things have evolved on our planet. However, the kittens will be just as cute with egos! :)
When we were very young infants, we were totally free, just like those kittens. Unbounded. There was no "me." For a very brief time, there was just absolute peace, joy and freedom -regardless of our circumstances. We knew experientially that we were part of All that Is. We knew we were taken care of. We were not separate from Divinity itself. Deep down inside, we still remember this state of Unity. We crave it. We look for it everywhere. And we're still looking...
As we grew older, from babies to toddlers, our programming started to shape our views of reality. Now, most of us fully buy into the illusions of the physical world. We are completely invested in our individual personas. What if they weren't real?
Many of us will just continue to play the game until it just hurts too much to keep going. Then awakening will happen. The ego will be seen for what it is, and freedom will be the reward. It may take a few more lifetimes, but it will happen. It is our destiny.
To lighten things up a bit, can you spot the kitten in the picture above? :)
With Love,