Thursday, August 31, 2017

Are You Introverted or Extroverted?

What kind of creature are you?
Do you consider yourself to be an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert? If you're unsure, you can do this quick and free online test to find out (

Did you know?
Did you know that one third to one half of people are introverted? If you are among these introverts, then you know how it can sometimes be challenging to "fit in" a world that often favours, rewards and encourages extroverted behaviours.

The Introvert-Extrovert War
What's wrong with introverts, anyway? Why are they so shy, so antisocial and awkward? Why can't they just "snap out of it" and come out of their shell? This is how many extroverts see introverts, who, in return, might see extroverts as being loud, pushy, insensitive show-offs!

Different Brains
Science now tells us that extroverts and introverts are actually wired differently. Our neuropathways are different, the way we process information is different, and how we respond to certain neurotransmitters -such as dopamine and acetylcholine, for instance - is also very different. For example, extroverts are less sensitive to dopamine (the pleasure chemical) and therefore require larger amounts of it, whereas too much of this neurotransmitter will cause anxiety and overstimulation in introverts.

A Playground For Extroverts
I am an introvert, and I think it's a good thing that both introverts and extroverts co-exist. If everyone was extroverted, everybody would want to talk and nobody would be there to listen! And if we were all introverts? Things might get a little too quiet. But let's be honest, our institutions (schools, universities and workplaces) put a lot of pressure on introverts to thrive in the same kinds of environments as extroverts. Introverts are often creative, abstract-thinkers and problem-solvers who require a little more space and calm. Given the right conditions, they are capable of genius, but if they are placed in what they consider to be a stressful environment, they can become completely incapacitated.

The Awkwardness of Introverts Explained
That being said, introverts are generally misunderstood (by extroverts!). They are not boring, they are not always shy, and they don't HATE people! Very often, they are extremely sensitive to their surroundings. Introverts are always processing sensory information from the people and environments around them, and it's this constant processing that easily drains their energy. This is especially intense when they are around unfamiliar people or places. Such high-stimulation environments quickly overload introverts, causing them to shut down.

I Can Relate!
I know this feeling all too well! I enjoy being with close friends, and I like meeting new people -in small groups and small doses! After I'm around a bunch of new acquaintances, I need to take some time to recharge -alone! It usually takes me awhile to integrate and assimilate all the new information my senses have absorbed - from verbal communication, to body language, tone of voice, energy and the more subtle cues I might intuit from people.

Introvert Secrets
Introverts are great listeners -they pay attention to details, ask deep questions and become very loving and loyal friends with the people they trust. Introverts usually choose a few close friends who don't judge them and who don't threaten their intensily empathic and sensitive nature. 

Embracing Your Introversion
It's only in the past few years that I finally acknowledged and embraced my introverted nature. To be honest, I thought maybe something was wrong with me -I was just too sensitive or something. It was truly liberating to discovered that SO many other people share the same sensitivities! This is almost a taboo suject, because from a very young age, most of us are told to just "fit in" and be like everyone else. But we're not all extroverts, and that's ok. It's beautiful, actually.

Any thoughts? Thanks for reading!

Kind regards,


Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Spirits Made Me Do It...

Do you consider yourself to be a creative person? Well regardless of what you think, we are ALL creative beings. We just have different ways of expressing our creativity. In fact, the more we get out of our own way, the more creative we become. What do I mean by that?

What is Creativity?
Creativity has a truly spiritual quality to it because it is something we tune into when we are grounded and open. We are hard-wired to be receivers of this creative energy that flows all around us. Our universe is infinitely creative, and we are no different. When we remember that we are spiritual beings having a human experience; when we open our hearts and minds and let go of the idea of a little me that can screw up; and when we release our expectations, our fear of judgement and our need for validation, creativity and inspiration flow through us like a raging river. What a sweet, intoxicating feeling!

My Spiritual Team
I believe that we receive daily assistance from the spiritual realms. In fact, I would go as far as to say that I have an executive team on the other side that guides and directs my creative endeavours. It may sound a little crazy and spooky, but I see it as a form of telepathy, or intuition, only with beings that are not in a physical form like us. I used to call these creative urges my inspiration, but now, I am less attached to the "my". I'm just the receiver of this creative information that wants to be expressed. I can feel a big difference between ego-driven creativity and this spiritual inspiration that I seem to be receiving more and more.

Creative Overload
For example, I just recently created some new conscious living guidance cards for adults. Today is Thursday. The cards have been printed, cut, laminated and available for download on my website since Tuesday (I manage everything on my website, including form-integration). Big deal, right? Well, what's interesting is that this past Sunday, creating these cards was really the farthest thing from my mind! I had no desire to do any kind of work, actually. So what happened?

I think my executive team had a job for me! I was casually making myself some coffee Sunday morning when the typical bolt-of-lightning of inspiration hit me. I have learned to recognise this energy. It always feels good -like a brilliant idea that doesn't really belong to me. The high energy motivates me to take action and I feel no personal attachment to the outcome -no concerns with success or failure.

Creative Channelling?
So I sat down with a notepad and the ideas started pouring on the pages effortlessly. At this point, I still had no clue what form this intense wave of creative energy would take. I kept an open mind and left it at that. On Monday, the dictation continued as I sat in my garden with my notepad. Then I suddenly felt like it was time to stop writing, and I felt a nudge to go down to the computer and figure it out. It's hard to comprehend just how smoothly things went from there. After just a couple hours, the 56 guidance cards were completed. I integrated them into my website and everything was finished by Tuesday!

What About You?
Have you ever had a creative experience like that? You probably have, but maybe you're not aware of it. This kind of detached creativity always feels very good - like a passion. It's generally spontaneous and unexpected. Very often, the final results have a somewhat divine quality, and you know that you can't take all the credit for it, because it simply flowed through you from another realm.

Wishing you an intoxicatingly creative week!

P.S. You can download these free, printable, divinely inspired cards here:


Friday, August 18, 2017

My Spiritual Diary: Week 8

As I sat down to write this entry, my computer could not connect to the internet because somehow, its clock was back to November 27, 2009. To reset it, I had to manually move forward in time, month by month, up to today. As I watched all those months fly by, I imagined, in an accelerated version, how quickly my kids were growing, changing, learning and becoming more independent right before my eyes! To be honest, I felt a little nostalgic. Coincidentally, a couple days ago my dad sent me this picture of Emma and I taken about 10 years ago. My heart just about melted when I saw how small she was.

Today, of all days, we are celebrating Emma's 13th birthday. She's currently at the mall with a group of friends and the gang should drop in any minute for a sleepover. How did she grow up so fast? As I look back on all this time that has slipped by, I ask myself "what do I remember that matters the most?" "what do the kids remember that will have the greatest impact on their lives?"

The truth is, I only remember a small fraction of the events that happened during this time. We did a lot of fun things, learned plenty, travelled, reached important milestones, overcame some challenges, made new friends and the list goes on. But, surprisingly, none of those things really stand out in my memory. What does stand out is a timeless feeling of deep love and connection. It's very much alive in the here and now, as much as it was present in that old picture. Time cannot steal this powerful force that radiates from my heart, connecting me to the ones I love, nor could it ever erase it from my memory, because it is visceral, formless and eternal.

It may sound cheesy, but it's true. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe, and it's really all that matters in the end. The rest is just a distraction, and we probably won't remember it anyway. Every second of every day, we can choose to be present, fully alive and loving with ourselves and others. In this state, we are fully aligned with our greatest potential and we can co-create miracles.

Lots of Love,


Saturday, August 12, 2017

My Spiritual Diary: Week 7

It's not very often that all the grandchildren on my side of the family are reunited, since my sister lives in Québec, my younger brother lives in BC and my older brother, well, we're still waiting for him to produce kids. :)

Anyway, it's been a fun and busy past couple of weeks. You could say it was like a giant cousin party.

I find it very inspiring and refreshing to be around children. Words are inadequate, really, but here are just a few that come to mind: 


These munchkins remind me of what's essential in life. They are still very much connected to their spiritual essence. If only we could help our children remain in that state of wholeness instead of teaching them to adapt to a way of life that is often disconnected and superficial. Perhaps our kids need to teach us how to be fully alive again! They have inspired these simple words...

Just For Today...

Just for today,
I will take slow, long, deep breaths,
and I will notice how I feel in this body.
I will discover the wonders around me through my 5 senses,
and I will gently notice when the mind wants to take over.

Just for today,

I will allow myself to gravitate towards joy
by letting my heart and intuition lead the way.
I will remember that I am deeply connected to nature,
as well as to everyone and everything around me.

Just for today,
I will wake up from the dream of this incarnation,
only to remember that I am.
My heart knows what really matters:
To Love as much as I am able to on this day.

Today is a sacred, miraculous day.
I am grateful to be alive.

Thanks for reading!

All the best,


Friday, August 4, 2017

My Spiritual Diary: Week 6

I peeked out of Théo's window last night around 9 pm and saw this man looking into our fence with a flashlight. He was standing on the side of our property, where the kids' gardens are. That's also where I displayed my hand-made wooden signs (one says "Deep Breath" and the others are colourful mandalas with the words gratitude, joy, love and harmony). It was hard for me to see exactly what he was doing. He had a cigarette in one hand and seemed to be trying to read the words on the signs from very close, as though he was partially blind. Then it looked like he spit in Théo's garden. I felt a sudden rush of adrenaline and became very defensive. Should I call the police? 

Then someone walked by, and he spontaneously took off on his bike. Relieved, I went outside to investigate. I looked down the back alley, and there he was, looking through some trash. "Well that confirms it," I thought to myself. "This man is probably homeless and up to no good." I was quick to judge, because a few times now, we have had intruders come onto our property and steal things -such as Emma's bike that was parked in our garage. The man on the bike didn't see me, and I rushed back in the house to grab my camera -in case I needed to give the police a description. I looked out the window, and there he was, next to the gardens again! After getting a few pictures, I yelled out from the window "that's private property", then he quickly took off. Again, I went outside to check things out. When I opened the gate, I found two heavy-looking plastic bags filled with something. As I looked inside, my heart completely melted...

The bags were filled with crab-apples! Okay, so they were not the nicest apples -they were pretty bruised and many were rotting- but suddenly, I saw this man in a whole new light. I was so quick to judge him, but maybe I was completely wrong. Why did he leave those apples there? Did he find them in the garbage and sincerely thought that the kids might appreciate them? Was he going to come back for them later? Was a homeless person gifting us with what could be a treasure to him? Maybe I'll never know, but it doesn't matter.

This man has reminded me to keep an open mind and an open heart, and to not judge a person or a situation so quickly -regardless of what may have happened in similar circumstances in the past. It's alright to be vigilant and discerning, but in this particular circumstance, I let my past fears and anxieties of having intruders on our property taint my present perceptions and judgements. Often we believe that if we close down our hearts, if we are defensive by default, we won't get hurt again. All that does is it keeps our hurt feelings, our fears and our past alive and trapped inside us. It requires so much energy to keep our walls up, and in the end, our heavy armour just creates more suffering. To be truly free is to be able to let the world break our heart a million times; to heal; to forgive; and to love again without hesitation. Eventually, the heart will become unbreakable.

Are there people or situations in your life that are particularly difficult to forgive? Can you notice the weight of the psychological armour you have been carrying in regards to this? How does it manifest in your body? In your overall energy? What do you think it would feel like if you could throw away this armour forever?

Wishing you a fabulous August!

Lise Villeneuve