Saturday, August 22, 2015

Why Most Relationships Fail

I had the pleasure of attending my parent's 50th wedding anniversary last weekend. It's hard to conceive just how long that is. My husband and I have 38 more years to go before we reach 50 years together! That's just crazy. Relationships are challenging, to say the least. Just today, Rob and I got into a ridiculous argument. That hadn't happened in a while -perhaps because he's mostly been out of town Anyway, it was nothing serious and we've kissed and made up now, but it inspired this post about why so many relationships fail. So here goes...

Unconsciousness is at the heart of every fight, every conflict, every breakup, every war. When two people don't see eye to eye and don't treat each other with respect and compassion, it's because they are unaware of the real motivation at the root of their hurtful actions. That motivation is always the same, regardless of the person or circumstance. Anything we do, whether it's perceived by others as altruistic or evil- we ultimately do it to make ourselves feel better and to reduce our level of suffering (which is mostly unconscious). If we didn't think something would make us feel good, or better, why would we ever bother doing it? Sometimes we pick the lesser of two evils, and sometimes our choices end up hurting others as much as they hurt us, but our initial motivation is always the same.

In a conflict, the "perpetrator" is only really guilty of not realizing that he / she committed the "crime" out of pure unconsciousness -conditioned by past ways of dealing with mental, emotional or physical pain. If he or she knew any better, the crime would simply not have occurred. The hurtful action shows that there is room for growth, for more awareness within the person.

The "victim" painfully reacts to the crime that appears to have been purposely directed at him or her. Unaware of his own conditionings and unconsciousness, he now wants to retaliate, defend himself, hurt the perpetrator.Wounded, he is unable to recognize the unconsciousness in his partner that has triggered his own unconsciousness. Often, both parties equally share the roles or perpetrator and victim.

Instead of breaking the cycle of violence with compassion for each other's deep seated pain, both parties feed the growing unconsciousness with resentment, guilt, shame, anger, despair. Sometimes, children are stuck in the middle of this waking nightmare and unfortunately, they observe and learn these unconscious behaviours. It's easier (and sometimes more thrilling) to point the finger at the other person rather than to admit the truth to ourselves. The truth is that nobody is responsible for our happiness but ourselves. The truth is that we all carry wounds from our past that keep resurfacing over and over again, until we acknowledge that we have some healing to do. The reason why intimate relationships are so challenging is precisely because our partners trigger us, they push our buttons, they know where our weak spots are and it hurts like hell when they poke them. Should we isolate ourselves to avoid this pain, then? Should we look for a different partner?

Those are options, but another option is to heal our wounds once and for all, so that they won't resurface again with the next partner. What if couples started to help each other heal? What if we told each other "I'm sorry you're in pain, I am too. Should we look at what it is we're both trying to escape from? I noticed you tend to act this way when..." In other words, why not allow the relationship to be an opportunity to grow into consciousness together? Things obviously wouldn't always be perfect, but at least they would be moving in the right direction.

Very often, couples seek to "solve their problems" either by assigning blame or talking it through with a therapist (which certainly can be a great way to open the lines of communication). Still, I'm going to go ahead and say it: the real problem is our individual unconsciousness. That's right, it's not your partner's fault! The key to a harmonious relationship is found when both partners become aware that they can, and must, transcend their ego-minds. From this perspective, there can only be Love, peace, joy and deep fulfilment.

If you become fully aware of how the ego works, you'll be able to stop feeding the drama and the conflicts by holding a space of presence, compassion and forgiveness for your partner. You'll understand where she's coming from. You'll know what truly motivates him, and you'll either have the patience and desire to help him consciously understand his own destructive behaviours, or you will be able to calmly decide that you are simply incompatible and walk away without all the heartache. But before you do this, ask yourself if you are completely aware of your own wounds and triggers, because it's only a matter of time until the next person who comes along in your life will reawaken your dragon!

Romantic love is a short-lived illusion born from a false world of duality. If the ego is no longer flattered and feels threatened, love quickly turns to hate, doesn't it? For as long as our identity is derived from our needy ego, a true, loving, peaceful relationship is not possible -no matter how much counselling we get! We each have to start working on ourselves before we blame our partners. How can we possibly experience a satisfying, lasting relationship with someone unless we fully understand who we really are first?

We are not that jealous, selfish, unlovable, unfaithful, angry, controlling little me. We sometimes display these behaviours because deep down, we are afraid, we are in pain, we are confused and conditioned by our ego. Breaking free from this illusion is only possible once we allow ourselves to become conscious of our true divine nature. Isn't it time to let go of what's no longer serving us? Haven't we suffered enough?



Thursday, August 13, 2015

Calling All Superstars of Spirituality...

What do all these beautiful people have in common? A strong desire to assist others as they heal into consciousness. To name just a few, Michael A. Singer, Byron Katie, Dr. Richard Moss and all the others above deeply understand that our individual awakening efforts directly impact the current state of our planet. Peace, harmony, love and joy, these all bloom from our hearts. As each flower slowly opens, its fragrance gently embraces other emerging buds. We are all divine flowers, even though many of us still think we are merely thistles. It's our purpose to rediscover the truth of who we really are. Haven't we suffered enough?

Lately, I have had the great pleasure of communicating with many wise souls via e-interviews on our website (Conscious Living Solutions). What an amazing opportunity to be able to get a glimpse of their unique perspectives and insights related to awakening and consciousness! I genuinely feel blessed to be doing this "work", even though it feels more like play. It's incredibly uplifting to reach out to others who are also passionate about awakening to their true essence! I consider many of these individuals "Superstars of Spirituality", as paradoxical as those words sound together! :)

We live at a time where we are ALL called to become superstars of spirituality. There is plenty of room on the stage. If you'd like to be featured on our website as an emerging or even an advanced "Awakener", here's how. If you are a spiritual teacher and you'd like to answer some of the questions we have received from our readers, click on the link above. If you have any questions related to living a more conscious life, we'd love to hear them! Thank you for sharing this post!


Lise /

Saturday, August 1, 2015

I Have Some Exciting News!!!

In one of my previous posts, I was explaining how I wished to feature "Awakeners" on my website, from the novice to the expert. I wrote "If you're Eckhart Tolle, Michael A. Singer, Oprah or Eliza Mada Dalian, you can participate too, because you already understand the importance of supporting and encouraging the flowering of human consciousness on a global level."

You can imagine how THRILLED I was to feature best-selling, award-winning author Eliza Mada Dalian as an Awakener on our website just a few weeks after having written those words! Today, I walked to the post office with my daughter Emma and mailed my first letter to Eckhart Tolle. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I also wrote to Michael A. Singer today, since I received his new book in the mail yesterday The Surrender Experiment and I am in AWE of the way he has been living his life. Yes, I'm almost done reading the book already! That leaves Oprah, and I think I'm going to let life orchestrate that synchronicty, if it's meant to be someday.

The beautiful thing about these spiritual teachers / Masters is that they have risen above the ego. They don't see themselves as superior to others, despite the international success and recognition they have achieved. They express a genuine willingness to help others and they make the time, even though they are extremely busy. They understand and truly live the concept of Oneness. I am extremely grateful for their presence and generosity, and I'm excited to say that I will be featuring quite a few more of these Master Awakeners! Spoiler alert: stay tuned for the very gracious Dr. Richard Moss!

I'm very aware that my own ego could easily get inflated from featuring such Gems! I am keeping a watchful eye on it, and so far so good! My intentions are to do whatever I can to accelerate the awakening of the masses. By presenting such beautiful, successful, enlightened role-models, perhaps others will want to join the consciousness party!

As I was writing to Eckhart Tolle, inspiration was pouring through me and something quite unexpected happened. A completely new initiative spontaneously took form. I was inspired to create a space on our website that allows anyone to anonymously ask questions about living a more conscious life. And who will answer these questions? Spiritual teachers and Masters such as Eckhart Tolle and many others! How do I know the questions will eventually get answered by the right people? Because I trust that when the student is ready, the teacher appears!

Do you have any questions / challenges that have to do with raising your level of consciousness? Don't be shy, you can anonymously ask them right here! I trust that the perfect answers will arrive at the perfect moment!

