Saturday, December 23, 2017

Meowy Christmas!

The kittens are now eight weeks old and they enjoy running all over the house like wild little cheetahs. In the picture above, you can see Chewie (left), Simi in the middle (formerly Zelda) and Buddha. Kittens are normally weaned by about two months of age, but not these guys -not yet. Mama Mitsy is still offering the warm milk open bar, so they are gladly obliging. But I imagine that will likely change in the next couple of weeks.
Above is sweet Chewie posing for the picture, and below is cuddly Rogue. These two brothers are the first to enjoy wet food. They have all been eating dry food for a few weeks now and we have introduced them to wet food recently, but only Chewie and Rogue have been interested so far. I want to take this opportunity to thank Lisa and family for adopting these two brothers. I know they will be so happy together.
 Below is friendly Archie. He sure loves to be held. He purrs frequently and very easily. He is super strong -probably the biggest of the litter, with Rogue being number two in line.
Here he is again on Théo's lap. Trina and family, I think you will quickly fall in love with this little dude! He loves being around kids. He is looking forward to meeting you!

Below is beautiful Simi -the only female of the bunch. Richard, I know you are going to adore her! Thanks for having been so conscientious about providing the best possible enviroment for this little gem. She told me she looks forward to watching hockey with you. She's an Oilers fan.
Below is our happy little family, with baby Buddha in front. Mila and family, Buddha is really perfect for you! He's like a little doll -so gentle and calm. His fur is exceptionally soft. He is just so content all the time. Thanks for adopting him!
I am so very happy and grateful that all the kittens have loving homes to go to in the New Year. I know you can't wait to bring your little bundles of joy home. We are aiming to send them your way at around 12 weeks of age, which would be around January 19. This of course depends on the weaning process. I will keep you posted.

I wish you very merry Holidays! Simi, Buddha, Archie, Rogue and Chewie send you their love!

Warm regards,


Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Priceless Gift Our Pets Give Us

The kittens are now six weeks old and extremely playful. They are fully litter trained, eating dry kitten food and still drinking milk with mama -although Mitsy has slowly started to wean them off. They explore all over the house now, including up and down the stairs with no problem. Above is a picture of the only little female in the bunch. She makes this adorable little chirping sound.
Mitsy continues to be a wonderful mom. She's extremely sweet and dedicated to her little ones. She has always been a very vocal cat, and even more so now. All day long, we hear her chatting with her kittens.
Look how much they have grown in six weeks! They each have their unique personalities, and we love them all!
We set up a little Christmas village under the tree this year, with a railroad, a train that really moves, and the three little cardboard houses we made for the kittens. They enjoy derailing the train, playing tag and jumping in through the windows of the houses. I'm surprised they haven't attempted to climb the tree (yet!)
In the picture above is kitten Archie with his auntie Precious -our Bengal cat who has impressed us with her acceptance of the new little family. In fact, the kittens have made (sometimes grumpy and temperamental) Precious more playful. She enjoys watching them and often joins in the fun.
I think it's safe to say that co-raising these kittens has been one of the best experiences in our lives. The little fur balls remind us of what's most important each and every day: love, joy, aliveness and presence. They mirror our true essence back to us. That's priceless.

With Love,


Saturday, December 2, 2017

My Gift To You This Holiday Season

No, the gift is not a kitten! Although I have to say that for our family, it's going to be difficult to find a better Christmas present than five funky kittens! I mean these guys don't even require batteries! They just give constant free love and instantly improve our moods.
Here is Emma in complete kitten bliss. We introduced our fuzzy five week old friends to the litter box last week, and voilà! They are trained. How do they just instinctively know what to do? Amazing!
Anyway, back to "My Gift To You." So what's the gift, if not a lovely little kitten? It's a story I wrote about the greatest gifts we can give (besides kittens).

We all know that material gifts can only make us feel good for a short time. What we truly crave is a deep and lasting sense of inner-peace, joy and harmony. 
I really wanted to find a fun and entertaining way to teach Emma and Théo about the greatest gifts we can give, so I wrote this short story called The Perfect Gift For Ajna. Although it was written for children (Conscious Kids Mindfulness Program), it's also a good reminder for grown-ups, especially during this Holiday Season.
So I would like to share this story with you. It's about compassion, deep listening, presence, kindness, forgiveness and non-judgement. It's about learning to love ourselves unconditionally, so that we can freely give these beautiful gifts to others.
Simply log into my website ( and you'll be able to download the story in either English or French
I hope you enjoy it, and don't hesitate to share it with others.

All the best,


Saturday, November 25, 2017

These May Look Like Kittens But...

There is such a beautiful, pure sweetness that shines through the eyes of a kitten. This is pure consciousness manifesting itself through physical form. The kittens haven't individuated themselves from this divine life force yet. The survival mechanisms and programs of the animal ego have not yet kicked in to create a sense of separation between themselves and "others". But it's just a matter of days now. This is just how things have evolved on our planet. However, the kittens will be just as cute with egos! :)

Thankfully, WE (thank you Yvon Loiselle for the correction) humans have arrived at a time where it is possible to transcend the very limiting programs of our ego. We no longer need to rely on the ego for survival. In fact, the ego holds us down and keeps us trapped and unhappy in so many ways. We now have the very real possibility to become aware of this and to live in a state of pure bliss. But we have to be willing to let go of everything.

When we were very young infants, we were totally free, just like those kittens. Unbounded. There was no "me." For a very brief time, there was just absolute peace, joy and freedom -regardless of our circumstances. We knew experientially that we were part of All that Is. We knew we were taken care of. We were not separate from Divinity itself. Deep down inside, we still remember this state of Unity. We crave it. We look for it everywhere. And we're still looking...
As we grew older, from babies to toddlers, our programming started to shape our views of reality. Now, most of us fully buy into the illusions of the physical world. We are completely invested in our individual personas. What if they weren't real?
Many of us will just continue to play the game until it just hurts too much to keep going. Then awakening will happen. The ego will be seen for what it is, and freedom will be the reward. It may take a few more lifetimes, but it will happen. It is our destiny.
To lighten things up a bit, can you spot the kitten in the picture above? :)

All that to say that the kittens (who are now 1 month old) are a good reminder that we are ALL beautiful manifestations of pure Divine essence. Their form -as adorable as it is- is nothing more than a temporary disguise. Just like our bodies. Consciousness takes many forms. In the end, Reality is formless.

With Love,


Saturday, November 18, 2017

There Are No Words To Define This Love

The kittens are now 3 weeks old and starting to be playful. They are all able to walk around but still often lose their balance -which is so adorable! The bond between Théo and Chewie is really quite special (in the picture above). Chewie pretty much trusts Théo entirely. Boy and kitten frequently gaze into each other's eyes in a state of pure love.
In the picture above, you can see Zelda and Rogue cuddling. They all have such beautiful blue eyes. The colour will change at about 7 weeks of age.
There really isn't much more to say about these beauties. They are simply perfect and wondrous. We feel extremely grateful and lucky to be able to experience this miracle of creation. Enjoy the pictures and the short video I have attached below.

See you next week for their 1-month old birthday celebration!

With Love,


Saturday, November 11, 2017

Luxury Condo For Kittens. Free Rent!

This week, the kids and I had fun building a luxury condo for the kittens and their mama out of a recycled cardboard box. Buddha, Archie, Zelda, Rogue and Chewie (Chewbacca) are now two weeks old and cuter than ever! Their eyes are all fully open, they are starting to walk (wobble) around, and they should be able to start hearing any day now.

Their auntie, Precious, has had a BIG change of heart and attitude towards the little ones. She'll never admit it, but it sure looks like she enjoys being around the kittens. You can see for yourself in the picture below. That's auntie Precious casually sniffing Buddha.
My son Théo and Chewie have a special bond already. It's as though the first thing Chewie saw when he opened his little eyes was Théo, and now he thinks he's his mother! Chewie just stares into Théo's eyes and stretches up his little head towards him. Below are three pictures of Chewie.
Emma had fun furnishing the kittten condo with some old toys, and now she's talking about sewing little pillows, blankets and even outfits for everyone!

Mitsy continues to be a wonderfully loving mama. We have to be careful when we play back videos with sounds of the kittens meowing, as this sometimes stresses her out. She starts looking around the room for lost or distressed kittens!

Above are the little black and white brothers, Buddha on the top and Rogue on the bottom. They are like yin and yang : Buddha is totally zen and Rogue is a curious little explorer. They are all just so sweet!

It's not too late to adopt one of these cuties! If you can offer a forever home to one of these kittens in February 2018 (and you are close to Edmonton), you can email me at

Wishing you a wonderful week!


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Calling All Soul Brothers and Sisters

We Don't Live in the Same World...

Each one of us perceives the world in accordance with our current level of consciousness. Some of us see and experience pain, misery and injustice, while others see beauty, harmony, perfection and Divine order everywhere. Some experience frustration, jealousy and pride on a daily basis, while others live in a constant state of peace and joy. How can this be? These huge variations are not so much a result of our individual wordly circumstances, but more the natural consequence of our spiritual evolution over lifetimes.

Does That Sound Like Nonsense?

The previous paragraph you just read will not even make sense to at least 80% of the population. If it makes sense to you, you probably understand that once we are willing to change the way we look at ourselves, our entire Universe changes.

Divine Surrender

This is unbearable for the ego to hear, but WHO we think we are -our persona, our body, our mind- is nothing but a very convincing illusion. There is no "I", no "me", no "mine." What then, is there left to "do" here? Life actually unfolds spontaneously and miraculously on its own once we surrender our personal desires to the Divine Will. We continue to serve, to enjoy life, but it is no longer our personal agenda that is being fulfilled. Once we realise that we were never really in control in the first place, it becomes easier to just release the resistance and go with the flow. Then life becomes intoxicating and sweet. But it's not "my" life, it's just life. Everything suddenly becomes so simple, so clear.

Calling All Soul Brothers and Sisters

There really isn't much else to say. I have no desire to convince anyone, however, I always enjoy meeting others who are also experiencing this process of Divine surrender. If that's you, I would love to hear about your journey in the comments below (or via email). How would you describe a typical day in "your" life? What has changed? How is it challenging in today's world?

You can email me at:

With Love,
