Thursday, May 7, 2015

I Feel Completely Inadequate...


I hope I'm not getting too annoying with the increasing frequency of my blogging, but lately the inspiration has been pouring out of me, so I'm just allowing it to take form here. I really do enjoy writing, despite the fact that English is my second language and words don't always come as easily as French. Yet, something is pushing me to continue in this direction right now.

I want to take this time to thank you for being here, whoever you are! I really have no clue who reads my posts, all I know is that the numbers are increasing daily and I'm honoured that you're here. So don't be shy to contact me directly if you feel inclined to, I'd love to hear from you! (my contact info is on or you can post comments directly on this blog.)

I Feel Completely Inadequate...

After having worked with many different people as a coach / counsellor, I can say with certainty that most of us feel like we are inadequate, myself included. We feel like there is something fundamentally wrong with us. We just don't fit in, we never have, and we're afraid that sooner or later, someone will figure us out! So what do we do? In order to avoid facing this threatening feeling of lack and these dark emotions that rest at the core of our being, we run like hell. Your ego is probably denying this right now!

Many of us spend our entire lives running away from our true, whole, Selves, because we (our egos) believe that we are not enough and never will be. Bullshit. We run from the pain of our past that we refuse to feel and instead bury deep inside, naively hoping that it will never resurface. We are experts at keeping ourselves distracted from our inner-world by finding something, anything to DO. Standing still is not an option because once our mind gets bored, it starts to wander into our forbidden zones. Being alone often presents the same threat. Does this sound familiar to you?

From this false premise that we are not good enough just as human beings, we build a lifetime of protective layers -such as the roles we hide behind, the career that defines us, the daily dramas that allow us to point the finger out there, the various successes that make us feel like we are temporarily important. But do they really make us feel like we're worthy? For how long? The ego is never fully satisfied. Before we know it, we're craving the next new thing, thrill, relationship...etc. There's nothing wrong with wanting these things, but few of us realize WHY we really want them. If we're brutally honest, we'll see that it's to keep ourselves distracted from this deep, unconscious belief that we're simply inadequate. Maybe by doing more, by being more, we'll feel better someday? What will it take, what will you have to do to finally get there? When will it be enough?

If we want to feel happy and at peace with ourselves, the first step is to realize that we've probably been looking in the wrong direction -outward. We have to come back to those disowned parts of ourselves and gently embrace them again. We have to find the courage to face our demons from the past. Emotions get stored in the body and can turn into discomfort or disease if they are not released. The truth is, we are already whole and worthy right now, even with all our imperfections. Don't let the ego fool you! The bulk of our healing work has to do with peeling off our multiple protective layers and allowing ourselves to feel ALL our emotions -especially the unpleasant, frightening ones.

So whenever you hear that little voice that pressures you to DO more, BE more, GET more, KNOW more, just tell it to ph*que off. Pardon my French. If whatever you desire is coming from a place of passion, enthusiasm, and joy, then that's your heart speaking to you. Go for it! You are beautiful just the way you are. Always remember that.


Health Coach / Reiki Master

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