Sunday, March 16, 2014

Time To Upgrade My Deodorant...

I've been falling behind on my blog because I've been so busy lately. Doing what? Mostly forcing myself to step out of my comfort zone! Let me tell you, I've done a LOT of sweating in the past couple of weeks, so much that I'm going to have to upgrade my deodorant! It may be "strong enough for a man", but not strong enough for Lise stepping out of her comfort zone :)

It all started when my school - the Institute for Integrative Nutrition- gently let us know we had to start practising health consultations with classmates and friends. I overcame my initial resistance and practised with people I'm very comfortable with. That was relatively easy. Nevertheless, I felt like I needed to challenge myself a little more. I wondered what would be the hardest part about doing these consultations in real life? Well, because I'm a hyper-sensitive, intuitive introvert, being face to face with total strangers would obviously be very disorienting for me (at first, anyway).

So what did I do? I went and posted the following online ad: "Student Offering Free Health Consultation..." And yes, many people replied to it. Gulp. No backing out now, Lise! I decided to put my big girl pants on and meet these individuals in a little coffee shop in my neighbourhood. So far, I've done four consultations with very different people and I have four more lined up in the next couple of weeks. I'm doing two every Saturday, that's plenty for now.

And how is it going? Pretty good I think, except for the sweating! I'm learning SO much about energy and how I really need to ground myself before, after and during these consultations. I'm more aware than ever that the best thing I can do during these sessions is to be fully, completely, present. I'm reminding myself to breathe. I'm experiencing compassion and seeing the necessity for detachment at the same time. I'm discovering that my intuition is a reliable tool. I'm discovering that I CAN do this, I CAN overcome my fears and I even enjoy it in a sort of masochistic way.

Nowadays, everybody can benefit from a little guidance, encouragement and support. Everybody should have a chance to talk freely and be listened to without feeling judged. It feels fantastic and meaningful to be able to offer that to the individuals who will cross my path.

On top of doing consultations, studying, homeschooling my kids full-time and managing the household, I thought I'd also look for an office to start my practice. What do you think of the one in the picture? It's available... immediately. It even has a massage table where I could practice Reiki. Well, I'll keep you posted, but in the meantime, I better do something about that deodorant!


Join me on Facebook: Conscious Living Solutions

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Learning To Trust Ourselves Again...

As I'm defining my holistic health practice a little more every day, things are starting to become very clear for me. It's an incredible sensation to tap into this knowledge of what I need to do next because I truly feel like I'm being guided every step of the way. It just feels right and everything so far leading up to the creation of Conscious Living Solutions has been completely flowing and effortless. I've been experiencing so many beautiful synchronicities, and the information I need somehow always presents itself at the perfect moment. 

What's even more incredible is that the ease I'm currently experiencing in all aspects of my life is exactly what I wish for others to experience. Eureka! That's it! That's what my holistic health program is all about : getting people to experience flow in their lives by learning to trust themselves again.

And how do we do that? By learning to trust our Selves, our hearts, our guts, our intuition. There lies the answer to finding balance and harmony in all aspects of lives.  It's really that simple. Of course, the mind, the ego, they like to complicate things for us, but once we develop our awareness of these little "sabotage factories", then our potential is limitless. 

Too often, we look outside of ourselves for solutions to our questions. What's the perfect diet? What should I do with my life? Why can't I find a partner? How can I heal this disease? How can I make more money? Why don't I have more energy? The truth is, all the answers lie within. If we can perfect our ability to hear our inner wisdom by diving under the layers of our minds, then we will be able to find that perfect balance in our lives without struggling all the time. Health, prosperity, joy, creativity, love...they are all within our reach if we are willing to listen to our hearts and trust the process.

I really want to help clients tap into their inner knowledge and wisdom. I want to help them discern which part of them is leading : their head or their heart. I can show them techniques that will help them get in touch with their true Selves. I can get them to recognize how beautiful, worthy and complete they are and how much they are deserving of self-love. I want to remind them of the incredible healing properties of their own body. I want to help them unblock their energy, their creativity, their inner-joy. I would like to remind them how to break free from their limiting beliefs and their personal prison. I can encourage them to release the pain from the past that's holding them down. I want to support them in redefining their comfort zones to allow them to live the life they REALLY want.

I know it's possible because I'm experiencing this flow right now for the first time in my own life. What a rush! I know It will bring me great joy to help others break free from the conditioning of their minds. How do I know this? Because my heart told me so. I'm ready to get started!


Join me on Facebook: Conscious Living Solutions