Wednesday, January 27, 2021

I was Shocked To Discover This...

(La version française est disponible ci-bas)

When I was in the music business many years ago, I desperately wanted to produce and distribute an album. I sent my demos to record companies and did a lot of waiting and hoping. A couple big music producers made some promises (over dinner and wine) that never materialized. I wasn't willing to sell my soul (or other assets) to the music industry.

In 2003, I lucked out by winning first place at the Tremplin International de la Chanson Francophone in Paris (see picture above). The following year, I was touring 9 countries with my solo piano show even though I still didn't have an official, professionally produced music album! I got really tired of waiting, so I stopped telling myself that the task was unsurmountable and I rolled up my sleeves.

First, I incorporated my own company that became a small record label. This gave me access to grants, which I was lucky to receive from Musicaction. Then, I started to build a team of important collaborators: musicians, photographers, graphic artists, publicists, radio trackers and more. It was so satisfying to finally see things moving forward! 

Once the album was recorded, I had a strong urge to write a book, and I was confident I would have enough time to write it during the post-production phase of the CD. I wanted the album and the book to be released together, in one package. So, my small company also became a publishing house. I began to expand my team of collaborators with editors, printers, book distributors...etc. It was so exciting! The book industry was completely new to me. There was so much to learn and do.

A little while after I finished writing the first version of my book, I had a sudden realization. I was so close to the finish line, at last! After all those years of waiting, I had now achieved a major goal: an album and a book! Surely, this accomplishment would exterminate those nagging feelings of restlessness and unworthiness, right? 

What I realized was that for most of my life, I was working under the unconscious assumption that something I did or accomplished, could eliminate my uncomfortable feelings that kept resurfacing every now and then. Like many, I truly believed that "worldly success" was the key to feeling more peaceful and content. I became acutely aware of this thought pattern that had been motivating me for so long: "once I release this book and CD, I will be happier." I was truly shocked to discover how erroneous this belief was! 

With the gift of this new insight, I had to rewrite the entire book! I hadn't learned my lesson yet, and now I know that living and sharing the following message was the true purpose of my first book: "Enjoy the journey, it's much more important than the final destination you are trying to reach. Don't assume that something in the future will make you feel better than the way you feel right now. Find the joy of being in the moment, and this will bring true power to whatever it is you are doing."

Now that I am working on my second book (Conscious Kids), you can bet that I am applying what I learned! What are you working on right now? Are you able to find joy in the moment? What particular circumstances trigger uncomfortable feelings? Being aware of these gives you the power to make changes.

Thanks for reading!

Lise Villeneuve 

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Quand j'étais dans le secteur de la musique il y a plusieurs années, je voulais désespérément produire et distribuer un album. J'ai envoyé mes démos à des maisons de disques et j'ai beaucoup attendu et espéré. Quelques grands producteurs de disques ont fait des promesses qui ne se sont jamais concrétisées. Je n'étais pas intéressée à vendre mon âme (ou d'autres actifs) à l'industrie de la musique.

En 2003, j'ai eu beaucoup de chance. J'ai remporté la première place au Tremplin International de la Chanson Francophone à Paris (voir photo ci-dessus). L'année suivante, je faisais une tournée dans 9 pays avec mon spectacle de piano solo, même si je n'avais toujours pas d'album de musique officiel. J'étais vraiment fatiguée d'attendre, alors j'ai arrêté de me dire que la tâche était insurmontable et j'ai retroussé mes manches.

Tout d'abord, j'ai créé ma propre compagnie qui est devenue une petite maison de disques. Cela m'a donné accès à des subventions, que j'ai eu la chance de recevoir de Musicaction. Ensuite, j'ai commencé à rassembler une équipe de collaborateurs importants: musiciens, photographes, graphistes, publicistes, trackers radio et plus. C'était tellement satisfaisant de voir enfin les choses avancer!

Une fois l'album enregistré, j'avais une forte envie d'écrire un livre, et j'étais convaincue que j'aurais assez de temps pour l'écrire pendant la phase de post-production du disque. Je voulais que l'album et le livre soient publiés ensemble, dans un seul paquet. Ainsi, ma petite entreprise est également devenue une maison d'édition. J'ai commencé à élargir mon équipe de collaborateurs avec des éditeurs, des imprimeurs, des distributeurs de livres, etc. C'était tellement stimulant! L'industrie du livre était complètement nouvelle pour moi. Il y avait tant à apprendre et à faire.

Peu de temps après avoir fini d'écrire la première version de mon livre, j'ai eu une prise de conscience soudaine. J'étais si proche de la ligne d'arrivée, enfin! Après toutes ces années d'attente, j'avais maintenant atteint un objectif majeur: un album et un livre! Certes, cet accomplissement exterminerait mes sentiments persistants d'agitation et d'indignité, n'est-ce pas?

Ce que j'ai réalisé, c'est que pendant presque toute ma vie, j'opérais sous la croyance inconsciente que des accomplissements quelconques pouvaient éliminer les sentiments inconfortables qui ne cessaient de refaire surface en moi. Comme beaucoup, je croyais vraiment que le succès matériel était la clé pour se sentir plus paisible et satisfait. J'ai pris pleinement conscience de ce schéma de pensée qui me motivait depuis si longtemps: « une fois que je terminerai ce livre et ce disque, je serai plus heureuse ! » C'était choquant d'avoir la réalisation que ma croyance était totalement erronée.

Avec la clarté de cette nouvelle vision, j'ai dû réécrire tout le livre! Je n'avais pas encore appris ma leçon, et je sais maintenant que de vivre et de partager le message suivant était le véritable objectif de mon premier livre: "Profitez du voyage, c'est beaucoup plus important que la destination finale que vous essayez d'atteindre. Ne prenez pas pour acquis que quelque chose dans le futur vous permettra de vous sentir mieux que ce que vous ressentez maintenant. Trouvez la joie d'être dans l'instant présent, et cela apportera un véritable pouvoir à tout ce que vous faites."

Maintenant que je travaille sur mon deuxième livre (Conscious Kids / Enfants Lucides), vous pouvez parier que j'applique ce que j'ai appris! Sur quoi travaillez-vous actuellement? Êtes-vous capable de trouver de la joie dans l'instant présent? Quelles circonstances particulières déclenchent des sentiments inconfortables? Prendre conscience de cela vous donne le pouvoir d'apporter des changements.

Merci d'avoir pris le temps de lire!

Vous pouvez vous abonner à mon blogue ici: (en haut de page sur la version desktop)

Friday, January 22, 2021

I Wanted to Shout at Eckhart Tolle...

 Waking Up: Personal Insights From my Journey

I Wanted to Shout at Eckhart Tolle...

How are you? I recently took a break from blogging and social media because quite frankly, I felt a little drained. Facebook especially can suck the life out of me in no time. So I focused on doing things that recharged my energy, such as spending more time in nature, reading inspirational books, and I spent a lot of quality time with those guys in the picture: my family. Now I feel great, and I have some news I'd like to share with you!

This Fall, I took an online course with Eckhart Tolle. During the course, someone from Greece asked him "how can I help kids to become more conscious?" In short, he replied that the best way to teach kids about mindfulness and emotional literacy is through short stories and little activities. He went on to say that if anyone in our group had some talent for writing, this would be a wonderful project to develop for children. You can image my reaction! I wanted to shout at my computer screen to tell Eckhart "I've created that exact project already!", but unfortunately, he couldn't hear me. Bummer.

Nevertheless, hearing him say that - coupled with my frustration at not being able to share Conscious Kids with families in person anymore (Covid) - made me want to create a more tangible version of this collection of stories and activities. Currently, Conscious Kids is only available online as a downloadable file, which is fine, but I know it could be packaged in a way that is absolutely delicious for families. So, shortly after Eckhart's "pep talk", I decided to send my Conscious Kids book proposal to one American Publisher I particularly respect. Two weeks after I sent it, the Publisher got in touch with me and said that my proposal was being passed on to be reviewed by their Children's Books Editor! I was thrilled and am so eager to hear back from them.

Experts in the book industry say that authors have a 99.9% chance of being rejected by Publishers, but regardless of what happens with this particular Publisher, I am committed to moving forward with a bold new version of Conscious Kids, even if that means self-publication. I can already picture its pages filled with vivid and colourful illustrations. I think kids will really love that!

Conscious Kids would never have been possible without all the support and feedback I have received over the years from you, my community. Thank you for that. I look forward to the journey ahead, and if you'd like to share your ideas, suggestions or comments about bringing this new version of Conscious Kids to life, please do get in touch with me, I'd love to hear from you. In fact, over the next few months, I will be actively asking you for feedback about what your best version of Conscious Kids would look like. Together, I know that we will be able to make this happen for our children.

Thanks for your presence,

Lise Villeneuve
Creator of Conscious Kids