Friday, April 18, 2014

Happy Easter! Win the "FoodMatters" DVD

I'd like to thank the many people who have taken the time to contact me recently (either through my website,, on Kijiji, or during a free health consultation). I also want to thank YOU for reading this blog post right now. Merci!

I hope you have a wonderfully relaxing Easter weekend!

My role as a Health Coach is to help you stay healthy and happy from the inside out, so if you'd like my support, please don't hesitate to contact me. I won't bite! I have two health programs you might be interested in.

On another note, have you seen the documentary "FoodMatters"? Would you like to own this great DVD? I'll be giving away 2 copies in a draw this Easter Sunday. To enter the draw, just email me ( and write the names of the two health programs I offer. Good luck!

Warmest wishes and Happy Easter,


Friday, April 11, 2014

Oh-Oh, I Had Another Idea...

Oh-oh, I had another idea! 

As I've been doing more and more free health consultations with individuals wanting to improve their health, I've been able to get a clearer sense of what people really want and need. Would you agree that this is what most of us want:

-a simple roadmap to better health that doesn't require too much effort
-a nudge that will keep us motivated and prevent us from giving up

I also know what people don't want. They don't want to be told to drop all those habits that provide comfort. They don't want to put effort into something, only to fail...again. They don't want to spend a fortune. Fair enough.

The truth is, getting healthy and happy can be done faster than we think simply by taking a few ridiculously simple steps each day. For example, doing a single one of these actions can dramatically improve the quality of your day:

-drink a large glass of water before breakfast
-chew your food 20 times per bite
-do a 5 minute breathing exercise
-be thankful for the food in front of you

When it comes to improving the quality of your life, the most important determinants of success are your beliefs, your attitude and your intentions. Do you want to get healthy and happy? Do you feel like you deserve it? Do you believe it's possible? If the answer is yes, yes, yes... then what you need is a roadmap. That's where my new idea comes in!

My education in psychology, energy healing (Reiki) and holistic nutrition has given me plenty of tools to build an awesome, dynamic, 24 week roadmap to health and wellness. Basically I've put together a simple, motivating, inspiring roadmap that you can follow online for 6 months. It will teach you what you need to know about eating and preparing healthy, delicious meals; it will give you weekly tips; it will encourage you to try a different exercise video each week; it will teach you basic breathing and meditation techniques and it will even possibly open your mind to the idea of truly healing yourself. I've even included a blog page for everyone that signs up so that they can share their health journey with friends and family, and in return, friends and family can give them that little nudge to keep them on track.

Sounds good? And how much does it cost? Don't worry...not a fortune! This complete 6 month self-directed program is only $90. That's $15/month. Check it out, you can see the complete table of contents and even sample a weekly page.

But there's more good news! I will be offering this 6 month self-directed program for FREE to 2 lucky individuals who arrange a free consultation with me (can be done in person or on the phone). I will offer the free trial to the two people who can demonstrate that they want it the most and will get maximum results from doing it. When you email me back your health form, write "Free trial please" in your subject.

Good luck, and THANK YOU so much for your attention.

Warmest wishes,

Facebook: Conscious Living Solutions

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Welcome To My Office! Doors Are Opening...

I feel overwhelmed with gratitude for all the positive things that have been happening in the past few months! The latest joy was finding this perfect, cozy, welcoming office where I'll be working with clients as of next month (May, 2014). 

I want to thank Donna and Murray Armstrong from Armstrongs' Counselling for giving me the opportunity to share their gorgeous and serene facility. This office even comes with a massage table (next to the aquarium and zen garden!), allowing me to practice Reiki (I've been a Reiki Master since 2012). There is a sound system, a built-in bathroom, dimmer lights, a large stone for energy cleansing and even a Keurig coffee dispenser! I'm very eager to get started! 

My medium to long-term vision is to work out of a wellness center where parents will be able to safely drop off their kids in the room down the hall while they go for their consultations or treatments. This will allow mom or dad to fully focus on themselves while their kids can play with others and be supervised by a professional. This will allow me to continue homeschooling my own kids while working part-time. Eventually I want to develop this idea of "consciousness for kids" and offer workshops and educational activities for children. Another cool thing is that I've recently met some amazing healers and practitioners and I'd like to team up with them in the near future. I just can't believe the synchronicity I've been experiencing lately! 

So for now, (because it's all about the Now, right?) the office you see in the picture truly is my dream office! Want to come see it!!?

I will be pacing myself and starting slowly, with a maximum of 4 clients starting in May. I will be working with in-person clients on Saturday afternoons only. For those of you interested (and located in Edmonton), I have 4 available spots in my 6 month program starting on:

-Saturday, May 10 at 2 pm
-Saturday, May 10 at 3 pm
-Saturday, May 17 at 2 pm
-Saturday, May 17 at 3 pm

I've added a description page of my program on my website (under Health Program) with my very first home-made "infomercial" (Lol!)

Also, I added a "sample page" of the 24 weekly support pages my clients will have access to on my website. The goal is to keep them inspired and motivated between our sessions together. Have a look and tell me what you think of the format. I always appreciate feedback (as long as it's good! Just kidding!)

Thank YOU so much for your presence and support. I'm happy to be sharing this journey with you! Let's keep in touch!


Conscious Living Solutions (Facebook)