Thursday, November 27, 2014

What You REALLY Want For Christmas...

Maybe we should just be honest with ourselves this year and cut to the chase by answering this simple question: what do we REALLY want for Christmas? Let me help you out here. We just want to feel good or, at least, better! The truth is, everything we choose to do is done because we think it will somehow make us feel better or avoid pain.

Think about it. The whole Christmas shopping ordeal is either fuelled by a desire to please and/or a desire to avoid guilt or embarrassment! We give "things" because this makes us feel better. Sure, it's nice to give and receive new gadgets, they distract and entertain us for awhile, but we all intuitively know that material things are not the key to feeling that deep, lasting peace and joy we all crave! What if we could wrap up those wonderful feelings in a little box, instead? What if we could offer them as gifts to ourselves, as well as to the people we love? Wouldn't that be the perfect present? Well, you actually can!

Instead of embarking on the 2014 Shopping Crusade this year, unconsciously trying to please everybody -including yourself- with a material solution to a metaphysical problem, why not just focus on this idea: "what can I do to make myself and others feel better?" It's time for you to get creative here! Shopping is somewhat easy (especially if you have masochistic tendencies) but it only brings superficial, momentary pleasure. 

Obviously, sometimes it's inappropriate to want to offer "the feelings of love, peace and empowerment" to your boss, your mother-in-law or your ex, and a box of chocolates will do just the trick. But for those souls who are really close to you, whom you dearly love and wish the absolute best, why not give them what they really want (but may not know it yet)? Help them to feel more confident, help them become healthier, help them reach for their dreams, help them experience true joy!

If you are looking for suggestions to bring this idea to life (and you are in the Edmonton area), I can offer you a 1-hour "Soul Spa" Package (Gift Certificates available).

Warmest Wishes,


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