Saturday, November 4, 2017

Calling All Soul Brothers and Sisters

We Don't Live in the Same World...

Each one of us perceives the world in accordance with our current level of consciousness. Some of us see and experience pain, misery and injustice, while others see beauty, harmony, perfection and Divine order everywhere. Some experience frustration, jealousy and pride on a daily basis, while others live in a constant state of peace and joy. How can this be? These huge variations are not so much a result of our individual wordly circumstances, but more the natural consequence of our spiritual evolution over lifetimes.

Does That Sound Like Nonsense?

The previous paragraph you just read will not even make sense to at least 80% of the population. If it makes sense to you, you probably understand that once we are willing to change the way we look at ourselves, our entire Universe changes.

Divine Surrender

This is unbearable for the ego to hear, but WHO we think we are -our persona, our body, our mind- is nothing but a very convincing illusion. There is no "I", no "me", no "mine." What then, is there left to "do" here? Life actually unfolds spontaneously and miraculously on its own once we surrender our personal desires to the Divine Will. We continue to serve, to enjoy life, but it is no longer our personal agenda that is being fulfilled. Once we realise that we were never really in control in the first place, it becomes easier to just release the resistance and go with the flow. Then life becomes intoxicating and sweet. But it's not "my" life, it's just life. Everything suddenly becomes so simple, so clear.

Calling All Soul Brothers and Sisters

There really isn't much else to say. I have no desire to convince anyone, however, I always enjoy meeting others who are also experiencing this process of Divine surrender. If that's you, I would love to hear about your journey in the comments below (or via email). How would you describe a typical day in "your" life? What has changed? How is it challenging in today's world?

You can email me at:

With Love,


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