Saturday, December 2, 2017

My Gift To You This Holiday Season

No, the gift is not a kitten! Although I have to say that for our family, it's going to be difficult to find a better Christmas present than five funky kittens! I mean these guys don't even require batteries! They just give constant free love and instantly improve our moods.
Here is Emma in complete kitten bliss. We introduced our fuzzy five week old friends to the litter box last week, and voilà! They are trained. How do they just instinctively know what to do? Amazing!
Anyway, back to "My Gift To You." So what's the gift, if not a lovely little kitten? It's a story I wrote about the greatest gifts we can give (besides kittens).

We all know that material gifts can only make us feel good for a short time. What we truly crave is a deep and lasting sense of inner-peace, joy and harmony. 
I really wanted to find a fun and entertaining way to teach Emma and Théo about the greatest gifts we can give, so I wrote this short story called The Perfect Gift For Ajna. Although it was written for children (Conscious Kids Mindfulness Program), it's also a good reminder for grown-ups, especially during this Holiday Season.
So I would like to share this story with you. It's about compassion, deep listening, presence, kindness, forgiveness and non-judgement. It's about learning to love ourselves unconditionally, so that we can freely give these beautiful gifts to others.
Simply log into my website ( and you'll be able to download the story in either English or French
I hope you enjoy it, and don't hesitate to share it with others.

All the best,


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