Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Words of Wisdom from Mooji

"There is going to come a time when you will say...

I once believed that everyone had to like me,
but now this belief is no more.
I once believed I had to be the best person
I could be in order to be free, but no more.
I once believed that I had to first do everything
I needed to do in the world,
and only when I had done that and I was satisfied
could I turn my attention to Self-discovery.
I once believed that.

I once believed that it was up to someone else
to make me happy.
That seems a long time ago.
I once believed that I was not worthy,
but I see now that was nonsense.
I once believed I was not ready,
but I see now it's not true.
I once believed that I had to practise more,
meditate longer, be more sincere,
but I saw it's not like that.
Life is not so strenuous or cruel.
I believed so many things that were not true.
Then I realised nothing obstructs the freedom I am. "

"Go for the greater, and the lesser will be taken care of.
Don't worry. Life is not a puzzle.
It is the ego that gets puzzled.
You don't have to work things out.
Simply keep quiet and let it all unfold.
If you think you can work life out,
you create an identity as a solver of life. Big trouble!

Nobody can work it out. It is not to be worked out.
As one surrenders one's ego,
one automatically comes into harmony with life.
Watch as life takes care of life.
If flows spontaneously and perfectly in each form.
Let go to the dance of existence.
Why miss the best show on earth?"

-Mooji, White Fire

Wishing you a joyful and peaceful week my friends! We are One.

Lise Villeneuve

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