Wednesday, January 2, 2019

I Had the Strangest Dream Last Night...

When I first opened my eyes this morning (January 2nd, 2019), I was unsure of what "reality" was. I was still immersed and captivated by the vivid dream world I reluctantly left behind. And what a dream! It all felt so incredibly real. From this newly awakened state that was likely precipitated by the smell of coffee, reality shifted. THAT was just a dream. The familiar sights and sounds of my bedroom were real. Or were they? From my new bodily perspective, it was easy to assume that all those images, sensations, thoughts and feelings from my dream were just an illusion -all just wild creations from my mind. Yet, what was so unusual about this dream is that it seemed to convey that from the perspective of universal consciousness, or "I am", the "real world" was just as much of an imaginary bubble as the dream that I so easily dismissed as unreal. Confused yet?

The point is we can't know we're dreaming unless we are in a position of awareness, such as being the observer or witness. When we dream at night, we have no idea that what we're experiencing isn't "real" until we find ourselves in a new state of awake awareness in the morning. Could this also be what happens when our being merges with the universal mind? Do we become detached enough to know that "real life" is also just a dream? From this hightened state of knowingness, are we able to see that "real life" is no different than our dream world?

So what was my dream about? It was about snakes. I was in a cave, accompanied by children, and there was this big, yellowish-green snake. I was not particularly afraid of it, but the children were, so I chopped it up with a metal tool. A little while later, there was another snake. It was a white viper. Something in the dream specifically told me it was a viper. I really don't know much about snakes, but I looked it up this morning and it turns out white vipers are extremely rare. Anyway, this viper was right in front of me on the sand and I knew just how dangerous it was. Next thing I knew, it had a hold of my left hand with its fangs (I am left-handed). I knew that I had to stay calm and not let my fear take control of me. The viper was testing me. It was staring at me with its black, shiny eyes. It knew that I knew it had the power to kill me instantly. I remained calm and noticed how beautiful his eyes were. At that moment, I surrendered my life to a higher power. I knew I would be protected because I trusted divine will. I was gentle with the snake and was communicating with it -sending it genuine love. Very slowly, I moved its head off my hand with my right index finger. The viper was then out of the picture. I felt fine, but I could see the trace of its fangs pressed into the skin on my hand. My mind was telling me to go to the hospital to get the antivenom just in case, but I felt good and decided to trust that all was well. I woke up feeling refreshed and uplifted.

The meaning? After having looked up the symbolism of snakes and their different colours, this is what I believe my subconscious mind was communicating: the yellowish-green snake I so easily chopped up represented my attachment to the physical body, thoughts, emotions and the "real world". The white viper represented spiritual life, universal consciousness, surrendering to the divine will as well as the death of the ego and all its deep-rooted fears. I relinquished control, surrendered my fears and personal will and trusted that everything was unfolding in perfect divine harmony. I know this was no ordinary dream. The universe is always communicating with us in so many different ways. Are we listening?

With love,


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