Monday, August 3, 2020

Covid News!

Hello! I hope you are having a relaxing summer! I thought it was about time for an update, so here it is.

From In Person to Online Programs:
The covid chaos started unfolding just as we were wrapping up the Winter 2020 mindfulness classes and programs (all in person at the Himalayan Meditation Centre). I had a few weeks to convert and modify all the scheduled Spring programs to an online format. Like millions of others, I adapted to the new reality of working online with video chat. I was actually quite pleased with the way things turned out. Sure, it's not the same as interacting with people in person, but overall, I discovered many benefits of working online. Although it took a little time to get used to it, the intimacy was not lost with technology. We just had to learn to open up and be comfortable in front of our computers! We stopped with the bell, practiced our deep belly breathing and even went into some deep meditations via Zoom! How surprisingly beautiful!

The Big Transition:
I really enjoyed interacting with individual families online (as opposed to teaching a large group of multiple families in person). Again, it's a very different experience but it allowed me to get to know the kids and parents on a much deeper level. They also received customized feedback, which I enjoyed being able to provide. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated in the online programs this Spring, including those of you who took the mindfulness instructor certification training. Every one of you demonstrated flexibility, open-mindedness and patience during this time of transition. I am very grateful for that. We all had to improvise a bit, but overall, I think we did well, and we stayed present through it all.

Summer with Eckhart Tolle!
I am currently enjoying the lazy days of summer and I am deepening my practice everyday. I have been taking an 8-week course with Eckhart Tolle and I feel extremely blessed and fortunate to receive the gift of his wisdom, especially under the present circumstances. 

Creative Energy is Flowing:
I have been inspired to write lately, and so I have started the process of putting on paper something that wants to come through at the moment. I cannot say exactly what the end result will be, or when it will be completed, but it's happening now. I simply have to trust it and allow it to unfold with as much receptivity as I can. I love every second of it and can't wait to see where this goes!

Mindfulness Programs This September:
As for this Fall, I have decided to continue offering online programs. It's possible that I offer in-person programs again in January 2021, we'll have to see what things are like. The Conscious Kids 10-week program for young families will start up again in September, as well as the Mindfulness Instructor Certification Training. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss options for customized training.

Take good care of yourself!



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