Monday, December 16, 2013

Do You Really Know Who You Are?

Last night I watched Eckhart Tolle being interviewed in his home in Vancouver by a curious young man doing a documentary. This interview was filmed a few years before Eckhart appeared on Oprah and became internationally famous. 

Every time I watch Eckhart speak, I am amazed and fascinated by his grace, brilliance and... yes, presence. His books have transformed my life like no other author on the planet. He is a true inspiration, a role model even. When things get too hectic in my life and obsessive thoughts start running the show, I often remind myself of the level of freedom Eckhart Tolle has attained by completely surrendering to the Now. Then I start to breathe again...

In this interview, Eckhart asked the young man "what is the one thing that has always been constant in your life?" He went on to explain: has your physical environment always been the same? No. Has your body always been the same? No. Have your thoughts always been the same? No. Have your emotions always been the same? No. Your relationships? Then he asked "If all these variables are constantly changing, then how do you define WHO you are?" 

It's interesting, because you can actually FEEL the answer to this question inside your body, as an awareness, not as a thought. This is the "space" Eckhart often refers to when he says "You are not what happens, you are the space in which everything happens. That's your true identity. Now is who you are." 

In other words, we are not all the different roles we play depending on who we are interacting with. We are not our collection of thoughts and beliefs. We are not our physical image, our pain, our suffering. We are not our successes or failures. We are the awareness behind the forms, the circumstances, the emotions in our lives. We are the presence that always watches and never changes, despite the constant flux in our physical, intellectual and psychological worlds. 

It is from that sacred, detached space that true joy, love and freedom arise. Tolle adds "When you live like that (detached from ego), your life will be fruitful and great and wonderful adventures await you. When you don't know who you are, then no matter what you do, what you achieve, where you go, who you won't satisfy you."

How profoundly true! Personally, I understand what Eckhart means and I even experience it for short durations, but it's so challenging to stay in that "space" for long periods in everyday life. We all seem to be so focused on the future. "Tomorrow I will feel more complete when...I make more money, have more knowledge, become healthier, become a Health Coach!" Everything we do becomes a means to an end. 

If we are able to connect with that inner presence more often, (perhaps by meditating or consciously breathing more) it will allow us to experience detachment from the possible outcomes of whatever we are doing (i.e., less fear). Accessing this deeper intuition and intelligence will transform our actions into more meaningful and powerful ones. When we truly operate from this timeless place of consciousness, we allow joy, love, creativity and wealth to flow into our lives. We become fearless, because we have nothing to lose but I -and I, or "little me", is nothing more than an illusion.

So, future Health Coaches, business men and women, mothers, fathers : do you really know who you are?



(Visit my full website, , for more healthy living tips, including my homeschooling blog)

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