Sunday, August 10, 2014

How To Create The Life You Truly Want

I finally get it. After years of soul searching, studying, and experimenting, I can now say that I understand how I've slowly been creating the life I truly want, and I also know how to help others get there. This has been my lifelong passion, and I have shifted from inspiring people through music and writing (as a touring singer-songwriter and author) to empowering individuals directly as a holistic therapist.

I love being able to make a difference in peoples' lives. There is so much unnecessary suffering in our hearts. When I meet someone who's at the end of their rope and I'm able to guide them towards a brighter perspective -and eventually, a happier, healthier life- I know that I'm doing the work I was really meant to do. Today I'd like to share some insights to help you understand how you can create the life you truly want.

The Biggest Illusion
Our senses deceive us. You may think that your computer is solid and static, but it's not! Quantum physicists tell us that everything in this universe is made up of vibrating energy fields, including you. That means that everything has its own frequency, or vibration. Even your thoughts are vibrating energy particles that have their own frequency.

You may wonder how any of this affects your life. Well, say you wanted to lose some weight. Most of us would approach the problem of being overweight like this : "I see some unwanted fat here, I can touch it, it's real, so what I need to do is find a solution on the physical level to remove the fat. I'll try dieting and exercising." Will this work? Sure, you can get results that way, but what are you going to do about the thoughts (conscious and subconscious) that caused you to make the wrong choices and created that fat in the first place? If you remain unaware of those thoughts, they will eventually sabotage your short-term success and you will gain weight again.

The biggest illusion is that we believe the best way to control our physical reality is through our physical senses. We look for solutions to most of our problems on a physical level : "If I work more hours, I'll experience more wealth; if I look better, I'll attract a partner; if I find the right doctor, I'll be able to heal from this illness". We are skipping an important step here. Everything that has manifested into your life is the direct result of a thought you believed, somewhere down the road. Your thoughts create your reality. If you don't like that reality, the fastest way to change it is by changing your thoughts! Remember, if everything is made of vibrating energy, it makes sense that thoughts are the precursor to physical matter.

The Rules of the Game
Energetic vibrations are not just random and chaotic, they follow a universal law. Energetic vibrations that match are attracted to each other, and vibrations that don't match are pushed away from each other. You may have guessed that this is called the Law of Attaction. Again, how does this affect your life? Well, you have your very own energetic vibration. It changes from day to day, depending on how you feel and how well you take care of yourself. So, imagine that today you feel great and you have a very high vibration. Following the law of attraction, what do you think you are going to attract in your life today? Like attracts like, so get ready to be a magnet for other high frequency (or positive) circumstances, people and events. The same goes that if you feel down, you will unfortunately attract what you are emitting. Your life today is a perfect reflection of your most frequent thoughts. The good news is that you can learn to control your thoughts, as opposed to letting them control you.

The Key
You hold the key to transforming your life once you develop true awareness. Becoming aware is waking up from the reality you have been creating "by default". You then realize you had the power to shape your reality all along (by becoming aware of your thoughts).That can be scary for some. Now that you know YOU are the ultimate creator of your life, what are you going to create? What do you want? There are no more excuses to play small. It's time to raise your vibration and start attracting all the good stuff!

How to Change Your Reality
You may be thinking, "Ok, I understand all of this, but how can I control my thoughts and raise my vibration? Or, you may be saying "I've tried, and this law of attraction stuff doesn't work". Well, it's not enough to simply understand the concept and think good thoughts. It's all about practice, practice, practice, each and every day. This is actually what I specialize in. I provide tools and techniques to raise your awareness and increase your vibration on an energetic level over a period of 6 months. I teach you how to:

  • Become more aware of core limiting beliefs and negative thoughts, and then change them
  • Tune in to your emotions and higher self
  • Take great care of your body / mind / spirit (nutrition, exercise, meditation, self-expression)
  • Use consistent, regular, positive focus to reach your goals / intentions
  • Learn to gravitate towards what brings you joy and peace

The Life You Truly Want is Built From the Inside Out
Once you understand that your life today is a direct reflection of your most practised thoughts, you can confidently decide where you want to go from here. The sky is the limit! The life you truly want is within your reach. You just need to plant those "dream seedlings" inside you and create an environment that will allow them to grow and manifest in your outer reality.

Are you ready to get to work?
It's time to walk the talk! Contact me today to set up a free consultation. Please visit my website for more information.


Holistic Therapist / Reiki Master

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