Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Answer To The Anonymous Question I Received...

The Universe has amazed me once again with synchronicity. Just last night, I was somehow drawn to watch interviews with Byron Katie -an American woman who struggled through 10 years of depression, rage and self-loathing and who spontaneously woke up one morning in a state of constant joy that has not left her for 22 years. What transformed her life? Byron Katie suddenly understood that when she believed her own thoughts, she suffered, and when she simply questioned these, life became effortless.

After her major awakening, Byron Katie created a simple 4-question process called "The Work" that helps people break free from their limiting thoughts. She has helped millions with The Work and Byron Katie is now known all over the world. She has written many best-selling books, was featured on countless shows such as Oprah and is in high demand for workshops and public speaking everywhere. You can imagine how thrilled I was when she agreed to be featured on my website in a interview for Conscious Living Solutions in August 2015.

Like I said, last night, for some reason, I wanted to know more about Byron Katie even though I had already interviewed her in the past. Her process really resonated with me and reminded me that we are not our thoughts. Some authors, such as Eckhart Tolle, are brilliant at explaining this concept, but when it comes to applying it in our daily lives, it can be a little overwhelming and discouraging. Byron Katie figured out an easy, practical way for people to start freeing themselves from their minds -which is the most direct path to end suffering. It's free, available on her website and accessible to all.

So what's the synchronicity I was referring to? Well this morning I received this anonymous message via my website:

"I really wanted to start my spiritual journey, but what troubles me the most are my thoughts. I get afraid of things that I have never done and these thoughts continue to wander in my mind until I become frustrated. I have learnt that thoughts create our reality according to the law of attraction and these thoughts which are actually my fear are generated again and again against my wish. These thoughts can actually become my reality. Tell me what I can do to stop these thoughts."

As soon as I read this message, I knew that the best resource I could offer would be "The Work" of Byron  Katie! We can't stop our thoughts, but we can become more aware of them. We can remind ourselves that who we truly are is much more than our thoughts. We can invite more stillness into our lives in order to allow ourselves to experience the deep peace of being without the compulsive need to do, or think all the time.

Whoever you are, dear anonymous friend, I hope this helps! Thanks for your question. You are mirroring what millions of others are also asking at this time. I believe that we were somehow connected through your question, the web, Byron Katie and my sudden impulse to watch her videos last night! The Universe works in miraculous ways!

Thanks for reading,


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