Saturday, February 4, 2017

Anyone Else Feeling Like Crap Lately?

Feeling Like Crap...

For the past couple of days, I've been feeling a little down, sad and fearful of our future. At the core of these negative emotions was a feeling of powerlessness towards the state of our planet. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, as I sense that this feeling of powerlessness is embedded in our collective consciousness right now. The negativity is simply overwhelming. 

"Us" Versus "Them"...

Everyday, we see examples of people reinforcing the illusion of our separation from each other. Whether we like to admit it or not, most of us have bought into the "us" versus "them" mentality. The "me" versus "you" mentality is exactly the same, by the way. Science now confirms we are all connected in a unified field of consciousness. We are all One. 

This means that when our brothers and sisters thrive, this positively affects us. It also means that when they suffer -whether on a physical, mental or emotional level - this negatively affects us as well. We may not be consciously aware of this entanglement, thanks to the ego's mechanisms, but we are indeed electromagnetically connected to each other (look up the quantum entanglement experiment). It's no wonder that we can all feel the heaviness in the field right now.

Apples and Oranges...

So how can we deal with this negativity? Personally, I've been feeling confused by three overlapping issues that I think should be addressed separately:

1) What is the best, most effective way to actually take a stand for what we believe to be right in the world? Can we make a difference?

2) How do we deal with our own negative emotions? How can we remain aware of what's going on in the world without constantly feeling depressed, powerless or numb? 

3) How can we decipher truth from falsehood? Are we being told the truth? Are we being manipulated on a large scale? How can we explain the apathy of so many people?

Hocus Focus...

Let's start with #2 -How to deal with our own negative emotions. It all starts here. First of all, we control what we focus on. Emily Maroutian's quote beautifully explains this: 

"Energy is the currency of the universe. When you “pay” attention to something, you buy that experience. So when you allow your consciousness to focus on someone or something that annoys you, you feed it your energy, and it reciprocates with the experience of being annoyed. Be selective in your focus because your attention feeds the energy of it and keeps it alive, not just within you, but in the collective consciousness as well."

Our Digital Addiction...

Sometimes, despite our best intentions, we get exposed to stuff that brings us down. Since we're all interconnected, particularly through the internet nowadays, our focus is largely influenced by the collective focus. These days, it ain't the most uplifting! 

When we're not feeling resilient, when we are emotionally vulnerable, we should probably be extremely careful about what we expose ourselves to. I'm not saying to live in a vacuum, or to be in denial about the world, but to CHOOSE the best moments to educate ourselves about current events that have the potential to suck the energy right out of us. When we feel powerless, depressed, numb or apathetic, we can't make any positive changes, and in fact, we bring down the collective energy of our planet, making it harder for others to find solutions.

Oops! Too Late...

But many of us get contaminated with fear and negativity on a daily basis! Now what? The only way to release negative emotions is by embracing them and expressing them appropriately. The 4-minute video below beautifully illustrates how emotions get stuck in our body, and how to release them: 

Recharge Your Battery...

Once we are back in alignment with our higher-self, we feel better, and we become much more resilient, empowered and inspired. It's only in this state that we can truly make positive changes in the world. This answers question #1 -What's the most effective way to make a difference in the world? 

Spiritual-Emotional Armour...

If we want to be activists, peaceful warriors or freedom-fighters, we have to be dressed properly for the job! We have to plug into the Source that creates our shield of power and emotional resilience. We can't go out on the battlefield in a vulnerable, wounded state of anger, fear, sadness or resistance and expect to make a positive difference. 

Here is a 30-second video that teaches a heart-coherence technique to instantly neutralize the effects of stress and negativity. It works!:

Did You Forget?

When we get overwhelmed with negative emotions, including apathy, it's especially easy to forget or to underestimate that our greatest power is within. By creating a loving, compassionate, empowered energy field that emanates from our heart, we affect everyone around us. We are literally changing the world by saying "no" to the negativity and fear that we are being fed daily. 

This brief video with Gregg Braden lifted my spirits instantly:

Illuminati? New World Order?

Now what about question # 3 -How can we decipher truth from falsehood? Are we being told the truth? Are we being manipulated on a large scale? How can we explain the apathy of so many people? I recently discovered the very well produced documentary called "Thrive" (see preview below). Although it was released in 2011, it's still very relevant today. 

Could we be controlled by a powerful elite, a cabal? Should we take the Illuminati's plans of a New World Order seriously? I thought this was just conspiracy-theory fiction, until I started hearing it over and over again from an increasing number of respectable sources. I'm not sure what to think at this point. I would love to hear what you think, but please do NOT watch this if you are feeling emotionally vulnerable right now! Although this documentary proposes solutions to the problems they are exposing, it can still be very unsettling to watch.

That being said, you can watch the entire movie for free -available in 27 languages- by streaming it right here: 

Join the Force, not the Dark Side...

Regardless if we are being told the truth or not, it's important to remember what we discussed in questions # 1 and # 2. How we respond to our circumstances positively or negatively influences the field that connects and affects us all. 

Feeling negative emotions is not bad in itself. Feeling crappy is an important signal that tells us we are off track. We are simply not aligned with what serves our best interests -from a spiritual perspective. To release these negative emotions, we have to become very aware of them and we have to stop feeding them with more negative thoughts and focus. Once we free ourselves from the negativity and get realigned with our Source of power, we are then in the best position to change the world. 

Here's What You Can Do Now...

Please join me today in creating a beautiful field of love, compassion and joy around ourselves. This field will extend out to our communities, our countries and our planet. Breathe deeply in and out of your heart area, focus on something that makes you feel joyful. Let that energy radiate around you. Thank you for making a difference! Thank you for sharing this with others.

Much Love,


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