Saturday, October 28, 2017

The Babes Are Born!

Words are insufficient to describe the magic, the beauty, the sweetness and the Love that we have been experiencing since 7:30 pm last night (October 27, 2017), when Mitsy gave birth to her first kitten -a little black and white beauty.
 Shortly before going into labour, Mitsy became more vocal than usual. Her purring suddenly became unusually loud. I called her downstairs to the birthing room we had prepared for her -a bathroom with a walk-in shower that we padded with towels. Mitsy would only stay in there if I jumped in with her, so I gladly took on the role of improvised cat doula.

She looked at me with big, worried eyes, and then an intense contraction made her howl with pain. I did my best to reassure her, pet her, and when I cheerfully said "push, Mitsy!" the first kitten coincidentally popped out. She instantly knew what to do. She licked it all of, severed the umbilical cord and had herself a nice little placenta snack. The kitten was instantly on a nipple mission.
About 45 minutes later, Mitsy gave me a look that said "oh my gosh, another one is coming, please hold my kitten". So I did while she howled, pushed and watched number two come out at 8:15 pm. Another little black and white tuxedo kitten! Incredible. Mitsy was purring like crazy, and she truly looked so proud and happy.
 Around 9 pm, I got the look again "keep my babes warm, I gotta push like hell." I was so surprised and pleased to see a little ginger cat come out. To be honest, I was expecting much more yuckiness from these births, but it wasn't bad at all. Mitsy cleaned up everything as she went.
By 10:30 pm the new little family of 4 was looking very relaxed and sleepy, so I thought that was it. First-time mothers usually have smaller litters. I moved everyone out of the shower area and into a warm basket. Mitsy was looking at me with her usual loving eyes, then her expression suddenly changed to "oh my gosh, here comes number 4!" Another ginger sweetie was born at 10:40 pm!
What an amazing show! I felt so lucky to be able to witness this miracle of life. And then, right at 11 pm, number 5 came out -another ginger babe! I'm very grateful that everthing went smoothly, all the kittens are perfectly healthy, and Mitsy is one proud and happy mama. Today, the kittens are not even 24 hours old, and they are full of life and vitality! There is already some serious sibling rivalry going on for nipple access! What a gift this experience is. Théo and Emma are in complete awe -and that's pretty much all they say...awwwwww!

Stay tuned for weekly updates on the kittens. If you're close to Edmonton, they will be available for adoption in February 2018. We have 3 gingers and 2 black and white ones.

With Love,


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