Saturday, October 14, 2017

What's On Your Wish List?

A teacher asked his students: "Class, if I asked you to write a wish list of what you would like to experience in your life when you grow up, what would you put on this list?"

Fiona raised her hand and said:

"A fit body, good health, a job that makes me feel like I'm making a difference in the world, and lots of internet subscribers."

Very good, said the teacher, laughing. What about you, Michael?

"Relationships that make me feel loved and wanted, a quick and knowledgeable mind, and plenty of nice things that give me comfort and security, like a hot-tub!"

Excellent! Jordan, go ahead, Im listening.

"I want to feel like I'm in control of my life, I want lots of money, I want each day to be fun and entertaining, and I want to be happy most of the time, instead of being always depressed like my mom."

"I appreciate your honesty, Jordan," said the teacher.

"Now class, can you please tell me who is this "I" you speak of?"

Confused, the students looked at each other without knowing how to answer this strange question. The teacher added:

"What if this "I" that wants all these things on your wish list is not at all who -or what- you really are?

Daniel replied "but who else could "I" be than myself?

With a twinkle in his eyes, the teacher continued:

"What if you were the complete opposite of what you thought you were...

-Empty space instead of content...
-Silence, instead of noise...
-Nobody, instead of somebody...

The teacher went on to ask "if you eventually discovered that what you really are IS indeed this space, this silence, do you think the things on your wish list would be able to give you lasting fulfillment?"

"Probably not", said Tammy.

"What then, could bring you lasting peace?"

The class was completely silent, then Lucas spoke up.

"Simply to remember that I'm actually the opposite of what I think I am?"

"Excellent" said the teacher to Lucas. "And knowing this, what would be on your new wish list?"

Lucas closed his eyes for a moment, then replied "there would be no wish list, because I am already whole and complete, simply as I am."

The teacher nodded and smiled. "To remember who, or what you truly are is the end of suffering. End of class."

With Love,


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