Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Waking Up: Personal Insights from My Journey


Dear Friends,

It seems that over the years, very gradually, more and more aspects of my life have become integrated into a kind of spiritual practice. When I felt inspired to write the Conscious Kids Program in 2015, I took a deep plunge into mindfulness without fully knowing what I was getting into. Mindfulness has taught me so much. It has guided me into a new and improved way of life that is radically different from what I experienced during my younger years as a touring singer and songwriter. Through the regular practice of simple exercises, my focus now seems to almost always be “How can I bring more awareness or mindfulness to this moment?”

The additional challenges brought on by Covid have given me the opportunity to immerse myself even more in a way of life that nurtures personal growth, conscious evolution, increased awareness and the release of limiting beliefs, programming and habits tied to the survival of the small self. It’s not always easy or pleasant. The journey consists of ups and downs, but I now know that ultimately, life has our back and it’s always showing us the way back to wholeness. Trusting and accepting what is is the only sane way to live (although this doesn’t mean that taking action to initiate change is not an option).

I feel a desire to share bits and pieces of this adventure with others who, like me, are waking up to their spiritual nature in our very physical, material world. As much as I have lukewarm feelings about Facebook and social media, I will be sharing some very personal insights on the Conscious Living Facebook page on a regular basis, in the hopes of connecting with others – like you, who could benefit from a little company along this rather lonely path. Let’s see where this takes us. I look forward to getting to know you more! Peace!

Lise (www.lisevilleneuve.com)

P.S. Here is the Facebook page link where I post regular entries. I would love to see you there!


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