Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Did You Turn Into A Frustrated Adult?

In a sense, kids are our best spiritual teachers. The younger ones intuitively know how to live in alignment with their heart and spirit. They know their purpose: to enjoy life! When they are hungry, they eat, when they are tired, they sleep (most of them, anyway!). They unashamedly express ALL their emotions, despite the fact that some are less socially acceptable. If they feel sad, they cry. If they feel angry, they express their anger. When they are happy, everybody knows about it and it's contagious! Kids don't over rationalize things, they simply go with the flow and do what they love in the moment. They are unapologetic about who they are, and their self-worth is intrinsic.

It's unfortunate that society slowly teaches them to grow up and "evolve" into serious, responsible, adults who, in many cases, end up being completely disconnected from that free-spirited and happy being they once were. 

Welcome to the world of adults! Instead of honouring all our emotions, it's more appropriate to wear masks and only show a happy face even when we feel sad, depressed, anxious or angry. Instead of doing what we love, it's more responsible to keep a secure job we hate. Instead of loving ourselves just as we are, we equate self-worth with academic or professional achievement, financial success, social status, material possessions and power. Instead of allowing ourselves to play, to follow our bliss, to enjoy this precious time we have, it's more mature to be serious and lost in our compulsive thoughts. Who wrote these rules, anyway? They SUCK!

No wonder so many adults are unhappy, depressed, sick and even suicidal. We have to change our way of life! We have to go back to the way we lived when we were kids! We've really got it all backwards as adults. Do we want our children to lose this magical connection to their hearts? Of course not. Is it even possible to prevent them from becoming the typical sleepwalking, frustrated adult? Yes! The answer, my friends, is consciousness! Let's help each other wake up from the dream of this physical reality. Let's become more aware of the power of our spirits. Let's take baby steps to slowly reconnect to our inner-child. What's one single step you can take today that's in alignment with what your heart wants?


Health Coach and Reiki Master

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