Monday, March 30, 2015

Who Wants To Join Me In Cuba?

I did it. I booked my ticket to Cuba yesterday and I'll be leaving at the end of April for a week! I'm not going with the family, this is a recharge-mom's-battery kinda trip. Not that my battery is at a critically low point, but that's precisely what I'm preventing by taking some time off like this. After all, as a Health and Wellness Coach who constantly praises the benefits of self-care, I have to practice what I preach! Lol. Nothing relaxes and grounds me more than the ocean. I plan on getting plenty of exercise, rest and fresh food. The kids and daddy will spend a week with their cousins, so they'll be breaking their routine and having a good time too!

To be honest, I actually find it quite difficult to be away from the kids. We spend so much quality time together homeschooling that I consider it painful to be away from those sweeties. It's a good spiritual practice for me to notice how much my monkey mind constantly obsesses about the kids. When I'm away from them, I realize how deeply attached I am. I'm also forced to temporarily let go of my identity as a mother. It feels wonderfully liberating to be able to go play and explore the world all on my own. Whenever I get a chance to do that, amazing synchronicities always seem to pop up.  This will be the perfect opportunity to let my intuition guide me towards experiences that raise my awareness. And when I come home, I'll have so much love to give it will be sickening!

Yup, the first step to feeling empowered and in control of our life is through daily self-care. This doesn't mean you have to go to Cuba, but it does mean you have to eat real food, get some exercise, sufficient rest, and do something you love on a daily basis. If you don't, you'll burn out and you won't be able to give to others. It all sounds obvious, yet how many of us actually give ourselves the minimal requirements of self-care? Just the food we put in our mouthes changes everything! That food becomes our cells, our brain, our thoughts, our emotions, our perceptions, our reactions! How much life force is present in what we are eating these days? I challenge you to take extra good care of yourself this week and see how that affects your energy level!

If you'd like some guidance on how to take great care of yourself in order to create the life you truly want, I have 2 remaining openings in my group coaching class that starts April 18th 2015 here in Edmonton. If Edmonton is not in your neck of the woods, that's ok, I've also designed an online self-care program that gives you simple, step-by-step guidelines each week. Don't hesitate to contact me for more information.

If you prefer, you can simply meet up with me in Cuba!:)


Health Coach and Reiki Master

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