Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Is There A Tug-Of-War Going On Inside You?

I feel like my life is completely different now than it was only a year or two ago. I'm not talking about external circumstances such as where I'm living, what I'm doing with my time, who my friends are...etc. The major change has everything to do with this sense of clarity that I've somehow tapped into, and I'm so very grateful for it. A few years ago, I felt like I was in a constant fog, always filled with self-doubt and unsure of my choices. Now I generally feel empowered, I enjoy my life more than ever and I know without the shadow of a doubt that I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be right here, right now.

What gave me this clarity and sense of well-being? In a nutshell, I've become very aware of the duality within me: ego versus heart/spirit. The more I cheer for the heart/spirit team, the more clarity and well-being I experience!

Here are some examples of what that inner-struggle may look like in my brain :)

-Ego says "Do something that will give you validation from society"
-Heart/Spirit says "Do something you love that will allow you to experience joy"

-Ego says "Try and fit in, be like everyone else."
-Heart/Spirit says "Unapologetically celebrate who you are : a beautiful, whole, spiritual Being."

-Ego says "Don't let people walk all over you, defend yourself"
-Heart/Spirit says "Let the people who push your buttons be your greatest teachers"

-Ego says "Get up and do something, be someone, stop wasting time"
-Heart/Spirit says "You are a human being, not a human doing. Stillness is beautiful and necessary"

-Ego says "Fear will protect you from bad experiences."
-Heart/ Spirit says "Your thoughts create your reality. You will get what you focus on."

-Ego says "Ask the experts what you should do to improve your life and become happier."
-Heart / Spirit says "The answers are all right here within you, simply learn to listen."

If we can get our attention away from our compulsive mind and move it into our body, the body will always tell us when we are aligned with the heart/spirit or the ego. If we feel tense, anxious, uncomfortable, we are in ego. If we feel good, peaceful, joyful we are following our heart/spirit. How are you feeling right now? Where do you feel that in your body? Which team are you cheering for? The ego or the heart/spirit? Don't resist whatever you are feeling, just acknowledge it with as much compassion for yourself as you can.

What are some other common ego versus heart/spirit struggles you experience on a daily basis? Care to share?


Health Coach and Reiki Master

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