Monday, May 18, 2015

What You Can Do To Feel Better Now...

"Spiritual practice is key to our power as light-bearers, for we cannot extend peace if we do not cultivate it. Our thoughts and attitudes need persistent training in a world so intent on convincing us that we are who we are not and that we are not who, in fact, we are. The thinking of love is completely opposite the thinking that dominates this world; that is why we must be constantly reminded of the light. Just as you take a shower or bath in the morning to get yesterday's dirt off your body, you do your spiritual practice in the morning to get yesterday's thinking off your mind and heart." -Marianne Williamson, The Shadow Effect

That quote really resonates with me. It's easy to forget that if we want to feel good, we have to continually make a conscious effort to nurture and get reconnected to our inner-light. The minute we stop doing that, the world around us will gradually make us gravitate towards our darker side. Unfortunately, this is the default on this planet at the moment. Turn on the television, read a newspaper, go to the mall, go to work, and the negativity, heaviness and anxiety of the world become evident. Even the happiest, brightest of souls will eventually become depleted and drained if they don't regularly recharge their battery in the light.

For the majority of us, recharging ourselves is not common practice. On the contrary, we often push ourselves beyond physical and mental exhaustion, and then we wonder why we feel depressed, anxious and lethargic. On top of it all, we guilt ourselves for not feeling fabulous, happy and balanced all the time! We wonder what's wrong with us? Why can't we function optimally?

The truth is, living in a state of balance, peace, joy and love takes work. We have to commit ourselves to happiness, there's no other way around it. It's a choice that requires daily effort. Regardless of what our current external circumstances are -our job, our house, our partner, our health... our happiness is determined by the way we feel right now. Not tomorrow. How are you feeling right now? Do you feel a strong resistance towards your circumstances? Is the resistance beneficial in any way? Is there a sense of peace in your life, or do you feel like something has to happen first before you can feel good? Don't be fooled by the ego.

What can you do to foster your sense of well-being right in this moment? How can you nurture and reconnect to your inner-light? What brings you a sense of peace and joy? It's different for everyone, but here are some suggestions that work for me:

-Spend some time outside, close to nature (walking barefoot is a great grounding practice)
-Eat whole, unprocessed foods high in vitality such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds
-Drink more water
-Sit quietly and observe what your mind is saying / how your body is feeling / meditate
-Do something you love
-Do something expressive and physical such as dancing, singing, exercise, stretching...etc
-Help someone out
-Allow yourself to play!
-Be grateful for all the things you have
-Breathe deeply
-Immerse yourself in water
-Talk to a friend
-Listen to music
-Make a list of all your positive attributes and keep your focus on the things you love

Try doing 3-5 of the suggestions on this list each day this week, and see how that makes you feel! Do you have any other suggestions or would you like to share ideas that work for you? Write it in the comments below. Thanks for reading, and happy recharging!


Health Coach / Reiki Master

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