Monday, May 4, 2015

There Is Only One Kind Of Love

I just got home after a wonderful 2 weeks away. I spent my first week in Cuba with some dear friends, and this is the view I enjoyed each morning from my room. I still feel completely elated right now, it's difficult to describe. Have you ever felt so completely filled with love that the people around you probably wanted to punch you? Sorry, but that's how I feel! My heart is overflowing with compassion, gratitude, peace and joy. I feel this deep empathy towards every living creature right now. Am I on drugs? Only coffee!

So what the hell happened to me? How long will this ecstasy last? How do I bottle this feeling and sell it on ebay? Lol! One way I can explain this euphoria is that I took really great care of my body-mind-spirit over the past few weeks, and I was completely open to growing in awareness. I ate lots of raw fruits and veggies, got some sun, did plenty of snorkelling, had great conversations, danced under the stars and laughed lots. When we do the things we love and take care of ourselves, this actually raises our energetic frequency. The higher our frequency is, the more we attract positive circumstances in our lives. A higher frequency also allows us to have a clearer connection with our higher-self, thus we are more intuitive and receptive to our spiritual guidance. When we feel good and in balance, it's easier to open up our hearts and allow the divine love to naturally flow in. I feel like I got flooded by this spiritual elixir and I'm still a little drunk from it! It makes me want to share the love!

Since you have read this far already, I will share something else with you, because there is more to this story. Let me back up a little. For awhile now, I've been very clear on my purpose: to help raise the level of awareness / consciousness on this planet. I often ask "how can I serve? who can I help?" I know without the shadow of a doubt that no meetings are accidental. People are brought together when they offer each other the maximal opportunity for mutual growth and expansion. Sometimes that translates into a smooth, harmonious relationship between two people, but often times it results in a difficult and challenging one. Let's face it, we learn much more when we are called to question the status quo and face the darker, more insecure parts of ourselves, right?

So yes, I was put "on assignment" during this trip. I met someone who, within an hour of meeting, showed me the book he had committed himself to reading on vacation. It was about manifesting an ideal life! I told him the book must be working because he already manifested meeting me -someone who teaches awareness and manifestation for a living! Lol. I was standing in line behind him at the hotel reception -a hotel I booked only because my friends from Ottawa were already staying there. He explained to me how he booked a spontaneous, last-minute trip there and had somehow arrived via Bogota, Columbia and France! I suspect if we had tried to arrange such a meeting, it would have been nearly impossible! Yet here we were, unsuspectingly serendipitous.

As the week went on, our little group of four got to share many great moments together. I was honoured to be able to help my new friend see things from a different, more empowered perspective. In retrospect, I now see how he gave me the exact same gift. He allowed me to viscerally understand a concept I had only grasped with my intellect up till now. I hesitate to write about this, because I know many people will automatically make a judgement before they try to sincerely comprehend what I'm about to explain. This will resonate and make sense to those who are able to see beyond the limited scope of the ego. So here goes.

As you may have guessed by the title of this post, there truly is only one kind of Love. The ego tells us otherwise, because it views everything and everyone as separate and isolated, but romantic love as we know it has more to do with attachment and self-gratification. True Love is not jealous, possessive, demanding, needy and insecure like the ego is. We are hard-wired for Love, and it's not an exclusive currency we are only allowed to give to a few select people in our lives. Whether we give it to our children, our parents, our friends, our partners or even strangers, it's all the same essence! It's what we are made of. Love naturally flows through us when we allow it and it's ok to have the courage to freely give it to others without expecting anything in return. Babies are experts at this! They don't hold back their smiles, their radiance, their joy from strangers. They offer their Love unconditionally to everyone in the same way. As they grow up, they learn to only love those who will love them back, to be cautious, to protect their hearts, to demand certain things from the "one" they have chosen to love conditionally. The heart wasn't designed to restrict the flow of Love this way. It's understandable that we get a little confused when physical attraction gets thrown into the mix, because our ego quickly takes over in that department. It sees, it wants, it says "mine, mine, mine"! :)

I was perplexed about my feelings at first and I felt a combination of guilt and resistance towards this strong current of Love that was flowing in and out of me, but then I realized that it was beautiful, sincere, and that it didn't take anything away from my relationship with my husband. On the contrary, I feel even more Love towards Rob because my tank is so full right now! Obviously, allowing the Love to flow towards others and expressing it physically are two very different animals, especially within the context of a marriage! I think it's healthy for couples to honestly ask themselves if their relationship is mostly ego-driven (restrictive), or built on Love (expansive). It certainly raises a lot of questions, and I had the pleasure of having this discussion with Rob. I was pleasantly surprised by his openness and understanding. We have grown closer in the process.

The bottom line is that when we feel loved by others, it allows us to do something that is normally extremely difficult to do: love ourselves. That feeling of being "in love" is nothing but a reflection of the love we already carry deep in our hearts. We may think it comes from the other person, but the loved one simply allows us to express what's already there within us. That Love is everywhere, it's the fabric of this unified Universe. I am so grateful for this profound lesson I have experienced. I now know that it's entirely possible to feel like we are madly in love with life every single day! It's a conscious choice! How empowering is that!?


Health Coach and Reiki Master

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