Friday, February 6, 2015

Dear Daddy: Can I Tell You A Secret? -by Emma

Hey Daddy?

Did you know the movie "The Secret" is on Netflix now? I really enjoyed watching it and I even wrote up a summary (yeah, mom made me!). Would you mind checking my spelling? Thanks dad, here goes...

"The Secret" was written and produced by author Rhonda Byrne. She's Australian, just like the cast of H2O! Anyway, Rhonda's father died and she was looking for ways to come out of depression and despair. What she discovered was a secret that certain important people knew about for thousands of years but never wanted to share. This secret is the Law of Attraction. Here are the highlights of the Law of Attraction (in order of appearance in the film):

-Our thoughts actually become things
-A positive thought is 100 times more powerful than a negative thought
-We have about 60 000 thoughts per day, so it's much easier to monitor our feelings instead of every single thought (because our feelings are the result of what we have been thinking)
-When we feel good, we attract good things. When we feel bad, we attract negative things
-Simply shifting our negative feelings can change our whole day
-When we feel bad, we can learn to change that in a few seconds (by listening to music, by thinking about or doing things we love and enjoy)
-The Law of Attraction is a creation process that has three steps. 1) Ask 2) Believe 3) Receive
-Gratitude and visualization are powerful processes that help us get what we want faster
-For a relationship to work, we need to focus on what we like about another person, not what we don't like about them
-Complaining about things just brings us more negative things
-Only WE have the control to create our own happiness (not others)
-Disease cannot live in a body that is in a healthy emotional state
-Putting our focus on disease creates more disease in our body
-We become what we think about
-It's important to focus on what we want, not what we don't want (mom said something about you not wanting to end up in a group of crows? Not sure what she meant)
-Energy flows where attention goes
-Everything in our Universe is made up of energy, including our bodies and our thoughts
-We are the designer of our destiny
-Our purpose is the one we give ourselves
-Our goal is to experience joy every day

That pretty much sums it up! I felt great after watching this documentary because it gave me the feeling that I can do just about anything with my life by focusing my thoughts and noticing how I feel.

Thanks for reading! Mom also said something about you appreciating the "Coles Notes" version of this movie. Now you are all caught up!

Emma (10 years old)

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