Wednesday, February 11, 2015

My Grown-Up Tantrum, Part 2

If you missed Part 1 of this post, you can catch up here

To summarize, a recent unpleasant experience made me wonder how to know the difference between an intuition, or "gut feeling", and a fear (created by our negative thoughts). I was a little confused by this because of what I know regarding the law of attraction (our thoughts create our reality). When I experienced intense negative feelings that were pushing me in a certain direction, I didn't know if I was creating more negativity by focusing on those thoughts, or if I was receiving some kind of intuitive warning signal. Have you ever been in a situation like this? Any other metaphysical geeks like me out there?

I pondered on this question for a couple of days. My first thought was that intuition would probably not feel so heavy and overwhelming. It would feel more like receiving a neutral, informative message. I reminded myself that we receive intuitive messages all the time, but these have to be invited in first, and they never interfere with our free will. Fear, on the other hand, is a child of the ego. It is extremely emotional and has an agenda: to increase our sense of control. Fear hijacks our bodies and overrides intuition.

I asked myself "what emotional state was I in the night before my tantrum occurred?" The honest truth was that the entire day before Rob and Théo drove off, I was focusing on the snow storm and was already worrying. The seed of fear was planted and my thoughts kept feeding it. My threatened ego wanted to be in control again, so it overwhelmed me with anxiety and led me to believe that the only way to feel better would be by preventing Rob and Théo from driving. It even tried to convince me that I was receiving some kind of intuition from my higher self. I'm onto you...ego!

For those of you who are not familiar with the ego, the higher self and the voice in our head, I realize this probably sounds a little schizoid and neurotic. It sounds like there is a voice inside of me trying to control me. Well, I hate to break it to ya, but there is, and it's also in YOUR head right now! (unless your name is Eckhart Tolle) Go ahead and make it say "hey gorgeous, it's me, the voice in your head." Really, try it. I know you heard it. Now, if you were able to hear it and observe it, it means that there is a space between you (the observer) and it (the voice). That realization, my friend, is the beginning of the awakening process. But let's go back to intuition versus fear for now.

Thanks to the law of attraction (I just want to bug Rob a little, I know he's still skeptical about the whole LOA thing), I found a fantastic article on the web written by Suzy Singh (Negative Thinking vs. Intuition) Suzy beautifully describes how intuition and fear feel in our bodies (and how they relate to the different chakras). If you are wondering at all if what you're feeling is coming from intuition or fear, this article will make it crystal clear for you. Thanks Suzy Singh!

After reading that article, I was relieved to conclude that my paranoia was fear-based and not an intuition at all. Rob and Théo's safe return home confirmed that. I can now blame my insecure, controlling ego for having told Rob "there will be consequences if you go ahead with this drive" on the morning they left. When they came home the next day, the very first thing Théo (5) did was whisper something in my ear. He said "what's daddy's consequence?" Rob and I laughed so hard we almost became incontinent for a second. Take that, ego!



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